
  • 网络Urban Regeneration;urban renaissance;urban renewal;urban revitalization
  1. 文化视角下的当代城市复兴策略

    The Strategy of Contemporary Urban Regeneration under the Culture Angle of View

  2. 城市复兴不是一门新兴学科。

    Urban regeneration is not a fresh discipline .

  3. 胡乐聚:关注重庆城市复兴

    Hu Leju : Paying attention to the revival of Chongqing city

  4. 培养城市复兴的专业人才&建筑规划师

    The Architect / Planner , Educating the Urban Renaissance Professional

  5. 以文化为导向的英国城市复兴策略及其对中国城市的启示

    Culture-led Urban Renaissance Strategy in British Cities and Its Lesson to China

  6. 大学社区重建与城市复兴&塔科马历史性仓储区的改造利用与更新

    University Community Reconstruction and City Restoration & Renovation in Tacoma

  7. 转乘中心与法国城市复兴的新举措

    Terminal center and the new measure for the urban renewal in France

  8. 魏玛德国大城市复兴运动研究

    The Study on German Big Cities ' Municipal Recovery Campaign in Weimar Period

  9. 浅析城市复兴中政策分析方法的导入

    Guide of policy analyzing methods in city 's reconstruction

  10. 基于城市复兴中城市催化理论的研究

    Research on urban catalytic theory in urban renaissance

  11. 城市复兴&英国卡迪夫的经验及借鉴意义

    Urban Renaissance and Experience from Cardiff , UK

  12. 文化导向的城市复兴:一个批判性的视角

    Culture-orientated Urban Regeneration : A Critical Perspective

  13. 基于文化活动的人文主义城市复兴

    Humanistic Urban Regeneration Based on Cultural Activity

  14. 中世纪早期西欧的城市复兴

    Urban Revival in early Medieval Western Europe

  15. 以步行网络为基础的城市复兴策略研究

    Urban Renaissance Strategies Based on Walking Network

  16. 基于城市复兴的城市滨水区发展规划&以镇江北湖滨水地区规划研究为例

    The Waterfront Development Planning for City Revitalization : Case Study of the North Lake in Zhenjiang

  17. 任何真正的城市复兴都要建立在私有住房和私营业务的基础之上。

    Any serious urban rebirth is going to be built on private housing and private business .

  18. 城市复兴中的城市设计

    Urban design in urban regeneration

  19. 城市复兴是转型社会和经济普遍需要面对的挑战。

    Urban renaissance is the challenge that most of the transitional societies and economies have to face .

  20. 内陆水路在城市复兴中的贡献&以英国伯明翰为例

    The Contribution of Inland Waterway to the Urban Renaissance Practices - Example of Birmingham City . UK

  21. 基于复合生态理论的城市复兴&记哈尔滨市花园街街坊概念规划设计竞赛方案

    Urban Renaissance Based on Multi-Ecology Theory & the Project of HuaYuan Street 's Conceptual Design Competition in Harbin

  22. 城市复兴的评估

    Evaluation of Urban Regeneration

  23. 城市复兴中的合作伙伴组织

    Partnership in urban regeneration

  24. 本文回顾了中世纪早期西欧城市复兴的历史,并对在此过程中起到重要作用的若干要素进行了具体论述。

    The article reviews the urban revival history in medieval Europe and elaborates some important impetuses influencing this historical process .

  25. 由一个被废弃的工业遗址到领先的都市居住是一个城市复兴的成功典范。

    The transformation of a derelict industrial site in East Redfern into a leading inner-city neighbourhood is a remarkable success story .

  26. 从策略孵化到空间再创造的城市复兴新思路&以泰州市三河地区复兴设计为例

    New Idea in Urban Regeneration from Strategic Incubating to Space Re-Production : Taking the Regeneration Design of Sanhe Area in Taizhou as an Example

  27. 此外,授予许可的根据是城市复兴,而复兴的标准相当模糊,就是最木呐的律师也足以找到理由提出建造申请。

    Moreover , the regeneration criteria on which it is being awarded are vague enough to give even the dullest lawyer grounds for appeal .

  28. 它还为某些车站周围的城市复兴打下了基础。许多这些地方都曾因轨道系统的退化而相当破败。

    The way was also paved for urban renewal around some of the stations & many quite dilapidated due to the degradation of the rail system .

  29. 然而,在旧城区中所存的具有历史文脉延续地段,将成为今后城市复兴发展的契机。

    However , in the Old City in the context of historical continuity maintained by the lot , will be the opportunity for future development of urban regeneration .

  30. 目前我国城市复兴存在以下新问题:历史遗留、结构衰退、环境改造、土地效率、城市特色等问题。

    At present , China urban renaissance of the following new issues : historical , functional decline , environmental reform , land efficiency , city identity and so on .