
  • 网络Urban water supply;municipal water supply
  1. 城市供水管网地理信息系统(GIS)模型设计与研究

    Design and Study of the Urban Water Supply Distribution Network GIS Model

  2. 城市供水中消毒副产物的IC测定方法研究

    Study on determination method of disinfection by-products in urban water supply by IC

  3. 现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。

    Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts .

  4. 本文介绍了基于GIS的城市供水管网调度系统的设计与实现。

    This thesis introduces the design and implementation of the water-supply control system for urban water distribution network based on GIS .

  5. 城市供水BOT项目特许期研究

    Research on Concession Term of Urban Water Supply BOT Project

  6. BOT投资方式在城市供水行业的应用

    The Application of BOT Investment in City Water Supply

  7. 基于混沌优化算法的城市供水绩效DEA评价模型

    Data Envelopment Analysis Model of Urban Water Supply Performance Based on Chaos Optimization Algorithm

  8. SCADA系统在城市供水中的应用与实践

    Application And Practice Of SCADA System In City Water Supply

  9. 城市供水加压站2次加压控制系统由PLC、变频器及执行机构组成。

    The twice pressurizing control system of the city water supply pressurizing station consists of PLC , transducer and the implementing agency .

  10. 城市供水调度SCADA系统的应用与发展

    Urban Water Supply SCADA System 's Change and Development

  11. GPRS在城市供水管网远程测控调度系统中的应用

    The Application of GPRS Network in the Remote Monitoring and Control Scheduling System of Urban Water Supply

  12. 城市供水企业CIMS

    City Water Supply Enterprise CIMS

  13. 从预测过程和结果分析,基于BP神经网络城市供水管网预测方法操作简单,运行速度快,误差修正方便,精度高。

    Simulation result show the prediction method based on BP neural networks have simplicity of operation , speed rapidness , convenience of modifying errors , high precision .

  14. 本论文针对城市供水管网系统进行水力建模进行了理论研究和实践,并结合GIS等数据信息管理系统,形成能够方便运行使用的模拟软件。

    This paper focused on the hydraulic modeling in water networks . Combining with GIS data management systems , an easy simulation code was programmed to practice the theoretical study .

  15. 上海市大场水厂、成都自来水六厂B厂、北京第十水厂等均为BOT方式在城市供水行业运用的典型项目。

    The Da Chang Water Plant , Chengdu No.6 Water Plant B and Beijing No.10 Water Plant are all the typical projects of BOT in city water supply .

  16. 从系统目标、系统结构、系统运行环境、系统功能和系统数据库结构等方面,介绍了基于GIS的城市供水管网管理信息系统的设计与实现。

    The thesis introduces the design and implementation of the management information system for urban water distribution network based on GIS , from the system target , the system structure , the system runnable environment and the system database structure .

  17. 城市供水监控系统是实时、有效管理城市供水的重要手段,是一种远程监控系统SCADA(SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition),建立在自动控制技术、通信技术和计算机技术的基础上。

    City water supply monitor system plays important role in city water supply enterprise . It belongs to the family of SCADA ( supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) systems which is supported by automatic control technology , communication technology and computer technology .

  18. BOT即Build(建造)、Operate(运营)、Transfer(移交)的缩写形式,这种融资方式已经用于我国发电、铁道、公路、港口和城市供水等基础设施的建设。

    BOT ( build , operate and transfer ) is a kind of manner attracting foreign funds which has been applied in the construction of China 's infrastructures as power plant , railroad , road , sea - port and water supply .

  19. 根据地理信息系统、全球卫星定位系统与决策支持系统的特点,首次提出了基于GIS、GPS、DSS的城市供水管理信息工程的设计方案,并应用于实际。

    By making use of the technologies of the geographical information system , the global satellite locating system , and the decision-making support system , the urban water supplying management information system are designed , and has been put into practice . 6 .

  20. 连续运行的MBR不论投加PAC与否,出水的感官性状、NH3-N等指标均符合《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206-2005)的要求。

    Whether dosing PAC or not , the aesthetic quality and NH3-N of treated water all could reach the requirement of Water Quality Standards for Urban Water Supply ( CJ / T206-2005 ) .

  21. 通过用MonteCarlo技术对管网的连通性分析,确定节点的供水率和系统供水失效区,找出系统的薄弱环节,这可以为城市供水管网的震害预测和抗震加固提供有效的方法和对策。

    We can determine ineffective water supplying area and the rate of water supply of node by analysing the reliability of system with Monte Carlo Method , find the weak link , and provide technique and countermeasure for damage prediction and aseismic reinforcement .

  22. 玻璃钢管道简称FRP管道,广泛应用在石油、电力、化工、城市供水、废水处理等领域。

    Glass fiber reinforced plastic pipeline is called the FRP pipeline in English . It is widely used in many fields such as petroleum , electric power , chemical industry , city water supply , waste water processing , and so on .

  23. 该系统运用GPRS网络实现了低成本、高效率的城域化、网络化的管网泄漏检测,为城市供水管网的应急抢险提供了一个良好的平台,在实际使用中取得良好的效果。

    The system can not only realize the leakage detection of low cost , city area , networking by GPRS network but also provide a emergency platform of tap water pipe network . The system has been used in practical tap water pipe network with excellent results .

  24. 徐州市城市供水预测与节水分析

    Civil Water Supply Forecast and Water Waving Analysis of Xuzhou City

  25. 我国城市供水排水产业发展分析

    Discussion on development of urban water and wastewater engineering in China

  26. 城市供水合理水价结构分析

    Analysis on a Proper Water Price Structure of Urban Water Supply

  27. 城市供水藻毒素污染水平的动态研究

    Studies on dynamics of microcystin pollution level in municipal water supplies

  28. 城市供水管网系统的静态状态估计

    The static state estimation of an urban water supply network system

  29. 城市供水量受多种因素的共同影响。

    Urban water supply quantity is influenced by several factors together .

  30. 中国岩溶地区城市供水的一种模式

    A Model of Urban Water Supply in Karst Regions of China