
  1. 近年来,全国供销合作社系统深化综合改革,在促进现代农业建设、农民增收致富、城乡融合发展等方面做了大量工作。

    Supply and marketing cooperatives across the country have deepened reforms and contributed a lot to promoting the development toward modern agriculture , increasing rural income and boosting integrated urban-rural development .

  2. 两市辖区内的城乡融合发展都不平衡,较大部分地区仍处在城乡一体化缓慢发展阶段。

    The urban and rural amalgamation development of Chengdu and Chongqing region is not balanced and most regions are at the stage of slow development of urban and rural integration .

  3. 中国城乡空间融合发展中的问题与对策研究

    Discussion on the Countermeasures of Chinese Urban-Rural Space Integration

  4. 田园·生态·城乡绿化融合发展&以许昌城乡统筹发展推进区生态绿地系统规划为例

    Countryside Ecology City and Countryside Afforestation Fusion Development & Take the Xuchang City and Countryside Overall Plan Development Advancement Area Ecology Green Space System Planning as the Example

  5. 社会空间理论对于二元城乡关系走向融合发展具有强大的推动力和阐释力。

    Theory of social space for the binary relations has strong explanatory power .

  6. 但由于受长期二元体制的影响,当前仍然存在的二元户籍制度、二元土地制度、二元公共资源配置制度严重影响着城乡关系的转换和城乡融合发展的实现。

    But the long-term influence of dual system , the dual household system , dual land system , and dual public resource allocation system have delay realizing coordinating Urban-Rural .

  7. 因而,缩小城乡差距、实现城乡融合协调发展成为我国进入工业化中期和新世纪头二十年要解决的重点问题之一,也是推进发展方式转变的基本要求。

    Therefore , narrowing the gap and realizing ' the coordinated development between urban and rural are the key objectives in the middle stage of industrialization and the first two decades of the new century . And it is also a basic requirement to promote development mode change .

  8. 当前,我国正在进行的社会主义新农村建设就是要改变我国城乡对立、促进城乡融合和协调发展。

    Currently , the aim of China 's new socialism village construction is to change the situation of urban and rural opposition in order to promote integrated and harmonious development between urban and rural area .

  9. 在山东省社会经济发展过程中,实施统筹城乡发展战略具有重大意义:有利于城乡市场融合发展,提高资源配置效率;

    During the course of economic development of Shandong province , the strategy of balancing urban and rural development is of important meaning .

  10. 本文的研究将有助于丰富和完善城乡一体化的理论研究体系,对各地区促进城乡产业融合发展、推进城乡一体化进程、解决三农问题具有重要的指导意义。

    This paper is conducive to enrich and perfect theoretical research system of urban-rural integration , and plays an important role in promoting urban-rural industrial integrated development and solving three dimensional rural issues for each region .

  11. 综观世界各国的经济发展历程,城乡产业关系大体上经历了四个阶段,即乡村产业孕育城市产业阶段、城乡产业对立阶段、城市产业反哺乡村产业的阶段和城乡产业融合发展阶段。

    Looking from the process of world economic development , the urban-rural industrial relationship mainly experienced four stages , that is rural industries bred urban industries , urban and rural industries developed contradictorily , urban industries return nurtured rural industries and integrated development of urban-rural industries .