
lǒnɡ duàn dì zū
  • monopoly rent
  1. 首先,独特性是构成垄断地租的核心,但是可交易性的要求,却意味没有任何物品可以那麽独特,而完全超出金钱计算。

    Firstly , while uniqueness is crucial to monopoly rent , the requirement of tradability means that no item can be so unique as to be entirely outside the monetary calculus .

  2. 关于农用土地资源地租对价格的影响,农用土地资源地租是土地所有权在经济上的实现形式,农用土地资源地租包含级差地租、绝对地租和垄断地租,其对农用土地资源价格有一定程度的影响。

    Farming land resources rents have an effect on prices . farming land resources rents are economically realization form of property right and include differential rent 、 absolute rent and monopoly rent , which influence farming land resources ' prices to a certain degree .

  3. 本文透过垄断地租概念,思考当代经济全球化的过程与地域性,和文化形式之间有何关联。

    The author begins with some reflections on the significance of monopoly rents to understanding how contemporary processes of economic globalization relate to localities and cultural forms .

  4. 本文从消费社会的现状入手,分析商品的独特性对市场的重要意义,并由此展开讨论建筑是如何作为商品来试图捕获垄断地租的。

    The thesis started from the actuality of the consumer society and analyzes the importance of unique commodity on the market , thus , to discuss how the architecture as a commodity to capture monopoly rents .

  5. 农业资本有机构成与绝对地租&垄断价格绝对地租说质疑

    The Organic Composition of Agricultural Capital and Absolute Rent & A Challenge to the Argument of Monopoly of Price Leads to Absolute Rent Rent on Farming Land