
  1. 带水壶真的不错,减少垃圾与消费,而且水一直都凉凉的。

    It was nice to bring a canteen which could reduce rubbish and consumption and water had been always cool .

  2. PLAYBACK也减少填埋垃圾及棉花消费的额外增长,这意味着土地和水资源的大量需求得以保护。

    PLAYBACK is also reducing landfill waste and doing away with the need for extra cotton growth , which means massive amounts of land and water are saved .

  3. 对于这个问题,显而易见的答案是实行一次强力“节食计划”,减少我们对垃圾信息的消费量。

    The obvious answer is to go on a crash diet , reducing the amount of junk information we consume .