
  • 网络vertical differentiation;Vertical disparity
  1. 积云对流加热的垂直差异对CISK的影响

    The influence of different vertical distribution of cumulus heating on CISK

  2. 本文分析了番茄长季节栽培日光温室内CO2浓度的变化,结果表明:在不放风的条件下,日光温室内的CO2浓度存在着垂直差异和水平差异;

    The changes of CO_2 concentration in solar greenhouse during the long & season tomato cultivation were analyses . The results showed that there were vertical and horizontal differences of CO_2 concentration in solar greenhouse without ventilation .

  3. 在传统的Hotelling模型的基础上,提出了一个既包含水平差异、又包含垂直差异的竞争模型,并用博弈论的方法分别给出了在两种不同差异条件下的市场均衡点。

    On the basis of traditional Hotelling model , a new model is built including both horizontal and vertical differences . Under the condition of the two differences , the Nash equilibriums are given through the method of game theory , and thus used to analyze the impact on enterprises .

  4. 产品垂直差异、产品内分工与南北贸易

    Vertical Product Differentiation , Intra-Product Specification , and North-South Trade

  5. 表明新生代地壳运动具有垂直差异性质。

    It is showed that the Neozoic crustal movement showed vertical difference characteristics .

  6. 研究结果表明:首先,边界层内存在明显的O3浓度垂直差异,白天差异较小,夜晚差异较大。

    It indicate that the variations of O_3 concentration exist remarkably different on difference levels .

  7. 细分我国产业内贸易,进一步研究水平差异产品和垂直差异产品产业内贸易的影响因素;

    After dividing the IIT , analyzing the factors of Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade .

  8. 超长波不稳定的控制因子有静力稳定度的垂直差异及风的垂直切变。

    It is found that the controlling factors on the instability are the vertical distribution of the static stability and the vertical shear of the basic current .

  9. 北西段滑动位移势中的其余9%由南东段垂直差异运动所转换。

    In the results it is also suggested that the rest 90 % of the slip potential on the northwestern segment is transformed into the vertical movement of faulted & blocks on the southeastern segment .

  10. 研究发现:垂直差异性产业内贸易在经济增长过程中起着促进作用,而水平差异性产业内贸易对经济增长起着阻碍作用。

    The finding borne out of the research is that the vertically differentiated intra-industry trade has a positive effect on China 's economic growth while the horizontally differentiated intra-industry trade has an negative effect on it .

  11. 而1985~1992年形变场趋势转折与垂直差异运动显著减弱,可能意味着孕震能量积累到一定程度后,孕震区处于相对闭锁阶段。

    During 1985 ~ 1992 , the deformation field tendency dog leg had been notable weakened vertical differential movement may be seismogenic zone that is in the relative blocking stage for seismogenic energy accumulation to definite extent .

  12. 前者在新生代初期有过比较强的垂直差异运动,现在则主要反映在掀斜运动上。沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    The former branch had considerably strong vertical differential movement at the beginning of the Cenozoic era , and is now dominated by tilting movement . Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  13. 从垂直差异上看,夜晚温度极差平均为0.2℃,白天主要受光照影响,随着高度的增加而增大。

    In vertical direction , the night temperature difference was only 0.2 ℃ on average , while the temperature variety was influenced by the radiation in the daytime , the temperature rising with the increase of the height from the ground .

  14. 光致转化是影响水中亚砷酸盐垂直分布差异的一个因素。

    Photo-transformation is one of important factors affect-ine the vertical distribution of arsenite .

  15. 多样的山地气候、生物、地形及成土母质,形成了众多的土壤类型以及土壤垂直分布差异。

    The various mountain climate , biology , landform and parent material lead to numerous soil types and different distribution of soils in verticality .

  16. 垂直产品差异、需求偏好重叠、贸易扭曲、外国直接投资、二元经济结构、规模经济及区域经济一体化等均可影响南北之间的产业内贸易。

    The South North intra industry trade can be influenced by vertical product differences , the overlapping of demand biases , trade distortion , foreign direct investment , dual economic structure , scale economy and the integration of regional economy , etc.

  17. 各群落深层土壤温度日变化不明显,而季节变化较明显,不同群落间深层土壤温度水平变异和垂直变异差异以6月最大,8月和10月份差异较小。

    The daily variation of deep soil temperature of each community wasn 't evident , but seasonal variation was very evident . The difference of horizontal change and vertical change of deep soil temperature was most in June and little in August and October in different communities .

  18. 由于TM卫星影像分辨率的限制,很难分别出林分垂直结构的差异。

    Due to the resolution limit of TM imagery , it is difficult to distinguish the forest variety in vertical structure .

  19. 土壤总盐和有机质的变异系数由表层向底层逐渐增大,而pH值的变异系数在垂直方向上差异很小。

    The variability intensities of soil salt and organic matter are increase from surface to bottom , while the vertical deference of the variability intensities of pH value is unobvious .

  20. 热量资源偏低且垂直和水平差异显著;

    Thermal resource is on the low side and have significant difference in vertical and level distribution ;

  21. 黄土高原不同水分生态区刺槐细根垂直分布的差异

    Difference of Fine Root Vertical Distribution of Robinia pseudoacacia under the Different Climate Regions in the Loess Plateau

  22. 用该模式模拟公路线源的大气扩散,结果表明,高架路和一般公路的污染在地面浓度上差异较大,而在垂直方向上差异较小。

    The atmospheric diffusion of the line source is simulated using this model , showing that the ground concentration is much different and the vertical concentration difference is small between the flyover and the highway .

  23. 水土保持林带中黑松纯林的水平结构好于黑松+麻栎混交林,而二者的垂直结构没有差异。

    In the water and soil conservation forest belt , the horizontal structure of Pinus thunbergii forest is better than that of mixed forest of Pinus thunbergii and Quercus acutissima , however , their vertical structure is similar .

  24. 旷场试验结果显示:空白对照组与大平台对照组比较,大鼠水平活动评分、垂直活动均无差异(P0.05)。

    The results of open field test : the black control group had no significant differences between the level and vertical activity compared to the big platform group ( P0.05 ) .

  25. 麦田中0~15cm土壤动物的垂直分布无显著差异。

    There 's no significant difference in the vertical distributions of soil animals in the soil horizons of 0 ~ 15 cm in the wheat field .

  26. 不同类型的珍稀植物的垂直分布也有差异。

    Vertical distribution of different type of rare plants is different .

  27. 峰丛洼地生态系统中小气候在垂直方向上的差异具有典型性。

    The micro-climate is obivous in vertical direction in the mountain .

  28. 林内空气相对湿度在近地面的垂直层次上变化差异不显著。

    The air relative humidity changed slightly in the vertical level near ground .

  29. 蔬菜大棚土壤性质在垂直剖面上存在差异。

    Variability of soil properties in different layers years of vegetable greenhouse in Shouguang of Shandong .

  30. 垂直分布上的差异主要体现于叶片大小上,而水平分布的差异则主要体现在叶片数目上。

    The difference of the vertical distribution of foliage was greatly attributed to leaf size , while for the horizontal variation of foliage , the leaf number played a great part .