
tǎn kè
  • tank;hell buggy
坦克 [tǎn kè]
  • [tank] 一种全履带装甲战车,通常装有一门火炮和多门自动武器,具有优良的越野机动性、坚固的装甲防护、强火力和强大的突击能力

坦克[tǎn kè]
  1. 坦克炮声在巴伐利亚小镇回荡。

    The sound of the tank guns reverberated through the little Bavarian town

  2. 一个坦克的巨大灰影从村子里开了出来。

    The great grey shape of a tank rolled out of the village

  3. 沿整个前线已部署了坦克。

    Tanks have been deployed all along the front line .

  4. 这些坦克车主要是用钢板制造的。

    The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates .

  5. M-60坦克进入。

    M-60 tanks roll in .

  6. 一排坦克由市里沿路开来。

    A line of tanks came up the road from the city

  7. 街上有装甲运兵车和坦克。

    There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets

  8. 坦克要耗费大量的燃料,而且会破坏道路。

    Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads .

  9. 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。

    The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company

  10. 他们的坦克易受到空袭。

    Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air

  11. 他们受到盟军战机和坦克的掩护。

    They 're backed by allied warplanes and tanks .

  12. 坦克队于5点15分越过边境,正轰隆隆地缓慢向南开进。

    Tanks had crossed the border at five fifteen and were grinding south .

  13. 全城居民庆祝缴获了两辆坦克。

    The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured

  14. 有消息说一队坦克已经出动了。

    Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way .

  15. 哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。

    Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid .

  16. 一种来自俄罗斯的新款香水装在坦克状的瓶子里。

    A new perfume from Russia came in a bottle shaped like a tank .

  17. 坦克越来越频繁地熄火。

    The tanks broke down with increasing frequency .

  18. 这些防御工事用于阻止坦克等车辆前进。

    The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles .

  19. 看来,英国已下决心要派遣一支配备有百余坦克和支援装备的主力部队。

    Britain looks set to send a major force of over 100 tanks and supporting equipment

  20. 也有迹象表明今晚可能会发生大规模的坦克战。

    There are also indications that a major tank battle may be shaping up for tonight

  21. 坦克停了下来,长长的炮管转过来瞄准了山脊。

    The tank stopped with the long snout of its gun turned to the ridge .

  22. 他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。

    They blitzed the capital with tanks , artillery , anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns .

  23. 坦克造得都很坚固,拆卸过程复杂而艰难。

    Tanks are strongly built . It is a complicated and difficult process to break them up .

  24. 由于燃油被人抽走,这些坦克行驶了100码后又轰隆隆地缓缓停了下来。

    The tanks ground to a halt after a hundred yards because the fuel had been siphoned out .

  25. 金属轮战车是现代战争中坦克的原型。

    Metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare .

  26. 炮弹射中了敌人坦克。

    The shell hit the enemy tank .

  27. 我方坦克车突破了敌人的防线。

    Our tanks have breached the enemy defences .

  28. 房间外面响起四声震撼内脏的爆炸——凯丽装在那里的莲花反坦克雷爆炸了

    Outside the chamber there were four gut-jarring detonations-the LOTUS antitank mines Kelly had set up .

  29. X型自行反坦克炮是目前我军装备的威力最大的反坦克炮。

    The X SP Anti_tank Gun is main equipping of our army .

  30. 基于JAVA线程技术的多坦克机动仿真

    Multi-tank Entity Mobile Simulation Based on Java Multithreading Technology