
tǎn kè wǔ qì
  • Tank weapon;tank armament
  1. 所以我们也许会取消专用坦克武器(实际上DK和熊完全用不到这些武器),但目前我们还在制作这类武器。

    We might eventually decide to no longer make tanking weapons ( since druids and DKs don 't really have them ) but we 're still doing it for now .

  2. 袭击的消息激怒了附近城市埃贾比耶和班加西的民兵。他们带着AK-47冲锋枪、火箭筒和陈旧的反坦克武器冲到前线。

    News of the attack galvanized citizen militias in the nearby cities of Ajdabiya and Benghazi , who raced to the front lines armed with AK-47s , rocket-propelled grenades and aging anti-tank weapons .

  3. 直射反坦克武器设计中的限风偏问题

    The limiting wind deviation problem in the design of point-blank anti-tank weapons

  4. 几种反坦克武器对坦克内动物眼创伤的实验研究

    Experimental study on ocular trauma of animals inside the tank

  5. 坦克武器系统作战能力评价模型

    A Model on Battle Ability Evaluation of Main Battle Tank Weapon System

  6. 反坦克武器瞄准了所有可能的桥梁通道。

    Anti-tank weapons were trained upon all possible approaches to the bridge .

  7. 仿真技术在坦克武器效能分析软件中的应用

    Application of Imitating Technology in the Efficiency Analysis Software of Tank Weapon System

  8. 基于神经网络的坦克武器系统作战效能评估

    Evaluation of the Tank Weapon System Combat Efficiency Based on the Nerve Network

  9. 坦克武器系统的仿真数学建模

    Modeling and Analysis of the System of Tank Weapon

  10. 几种反坦克武器对坦克舱室内环境影响的研究

    The investigation of effects of several antitank weapons on environment inside the tank cabin

  11. 新型反坦克武器精确制导体制分析

    Analysis of late-model accurate guided system in anti-tank

  12. 一种现代主战坦克武器系统综合性能评价的灰色方法

    A Grey Method of Comprehensive Performance Assessment Based on Modern Main Fight Tank Weapon System

  13. 基于此框架,以装甲车辆总体仿真及作战效能分析项目为背景,对主战坦克武器系统的作战效能分析问题进行实例研究。

    The background of this study is the project of general simulation and combat effectiveness analysis of armored vehicles .

  14. 他们一直把军事援助限于小型武器,反坦克武器,迫击炮以及弹药。

    They have so far restricted their military support to small arms , antitank weapons , mortar , and ammunition .

  15. 目的了解不同口径及不同弹种反坦克武器对坦克内绵羊致伤特点。

    Objective To understand the characteristics of injuries caused by different calibers and different kinds of ammunition in sheep in the tank .

  16. 在直射反坦克武器的论证设计中,正确地考虑风的影响是非常重要的。

    It is extremely important that the effect of wind is given due consideration in the demonstration and design of point-blank anti-tank weapons .

  17. 电力电子技术的进步和坦克武器的发展,使得电传动坦克成为坦克技术发展的一个重要方向。

    With the development of electric power technology and tank weapon , the electric drive tank has become an important direction of tank technology .

  18. 中央情报局正在叙利亚邻国约旦训练叙利亚反对派,美国对转移反坦克武器这类重型武器持支持意见。

    The CIA is already training Syrian rebels in neighboring Jordan , and the US supported the transfer at heavier arms like anti-tank weapons .

  19. 该文探讨了在非对抗和1&1对抗条件下坦克武器系统的射击效率分析问题。

    The paper stated the problems of shot effectiveness analysis of the tank weapon system under the conditions of the non-engagement and the one-versus-one duel .

  20. 利比亚反对派要求的东西不太可能有多离谱,或许主要是些轻武器、反坦克武器以及肩扛式反直升机导弹。

    The requirements are unlikely to be great , and probably amount mainly to small arms , anti-tank weapons and shoulder - fired anti-helicopter missiles .

  21. 针对具有射击门体制的坦克武器系统,探讨了射击门对首发弹药落点分布的影响。

    Aimed at tank weapon system with shooting gate system , the effect of shooting gate on impact point distribution of first shell was discussed .

  22. 观察某型大口径反坦克武器破甲后对绵羊的致伤特点和规律,为战时防护、救治提供依据。

    To investigate the characteristics of injuries produced by a large caliber antitank armour piercing shell , so as to provide the basis for protection and treatment in wartime .

  23. 坦克武器系统是由射手操作的,不同等级的射手发扬坦克火力的能力不同。

    Tank weapon system is operated by gunner , and the gunners are divided into three grades and different graded gunners have different ability to carry forward tank fire .

  24. 中国士兵使用反坦克武器炸掉岩石和泥土,把水流阻挡在了地震形成的湖泊里,它威胁着下游100多万老百姓的生存安全。

    Chinese soldiers used anti-tank weapons to blast away rocks and mud , holding back waters in an earthquake-formed lake that threatens more than 1 million people living downstream .

  25. 目的探讨反坦克武器攻击坦克后,坦克舱室内动物眼创伤的伤情特点,为眼创伤的防治提供实验依据。

    Objective To study the characteristics of ocular trauma inside of the tank after being bit by the antitank bombs to provide experimental evidences for defense - and-treatment of ocular trauma .

  26. 该方法模型简单、利用计算机实现,较好地解决了信息化条件下坦克武器系统作战能力评估问题。

    This method is simple in model which is easy to be carried out with a computer , and provides a better way of solving the problem of battle ability evaluation of tank weapon system in the information condition .

  27. 文章借助于美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会(WSEIAC)的效能模型,构建了反坦克导弹武器系统的效能层次结构,并对其进行了分析与评估。

    According to the mathematical model of system effectiveness put forward by WSEIAC , the structure of system effectiveness for anti-tank missile weapon system is presented . Its analysis and evaluation are also discussed .

  28. 美国军用数据总线标准MIL-STD-1553B是目前国际上比较流行的军用总线标准,具有高可靠性和灵活性,在飞机、舰船、坦克等武器平台上得到了广泛的应用。

    MIL-STD-1553B , the America military data bus standard , is a more popular avionic bus standard in the world . With the high reliability and agility , the multiplex transmission bus is widely applied in aeroplane , warship and tank .

  29. 反坦克导弹武器系统作战效能评估方法研究

    Research on the Operational Effectiveness Evaluation Methods of Anti-tank Missile System

  30. 基于装备论证的坦克炮武器系统仿真总体设计

    Simulation Design of the Tank Weapon System Based on Equipment Demonstration