
  1. 你爸在坟里也会不安心的。

    Your father must be turning over in his grave .

  2. 你的根原本就在坟里,你的死也就不可避免。

    Thy root is ever in its grave , And thou must die .

  3. 你想怎样用木桩钉死我吗把我埋到另一座浅坟里

    What are you gonna do , stake me ? Bury me in another shallow grave ?

  4. 色彩艳丽而热情,使那性急的观赏者拭泪不止,你始终在你的坟里生根,你必然会死。

    Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye : thy root is ever in its grave , and thou must die .

  5. 凭着三寸不烂之舌骂得你坟里的祖仙起来给我说道歉。

    By dint of the strength of eloquence scold you the Zu fairy in the grave get up to say apology for me .

  6. 他惊恐地看到一阵白雾从一座没有墓碑的坟里喷出来,变成一个无头骑士骑在一匹马上的形状。

    Before his startled eyes , a white mist burst forth from an unmarked grave and formed into a large horse carrying a headless rider .

  7. 幸亏死人不会真的从坟里站起来,不然,昨天夜里,她会亲眼看见一种惹她讨厌的情景呢!

    It 's well people don 't really rise from their grave , or , last night , she might have witnessed a repulsive scene !

  8. 我们的眼睛将会看到祖母,年轻美丽的祖母,像她第一次吻着那朵鲜红的、现在躺在坟里变成了土的玫瑰花时的祖母。

    Ours will once again behold dear grandmother , young and beautiful as when , for the first time , she kissed the fresh , red rose , that is now dust in the grave .

  9. 一队人口普查人员失踪了,后来被发现埋在一个浅浅的坟坑里。

    A party of census officials had disappeared and been found in shallow graves .

  10. 接着,德北菲尔德开始往坟坑里铲土,孩子们又哭了起来。

    Then Durbeyfield began to shovel in the earth and the children cried anew .

  11. 不过坟冢里的这些人是谁,他们又为何会被埋葬在这个如此特殊的地方?

    But who were these people and why were they buried in such a special place ?

  12. 埋葬工人把死人放在坟坑里,而我,我可以把埋葬工人放在我的口袋里。

    The grave-digger puts the corpses in the grave , and I put the grave-digger in my pocket .

  13. 那六个人在他们把棺木放到坟穴里后就离去了。我们留在那儿看它掩埋好。

    The six men departed when they had let it down into the grave : we stayed to see it covered .

  14. 母亲和儿子进到了教堂坟园里,他们在古钟前站定。

    The mother and son were walking in the churchyard when they discovered the old bell , and they stood still to look at it .

  15. 她的思想就像一团乱缠在一起的麻,她只能抽出一条思绪来,那一根,把滩魂背到教堂的坟园里去,给它挖一个坟,这样好把她的整个魂灵收回来。

    Her thoughts were like a confused , tangled skein ; only one thread , only one thought was clear to her , namely that she must carry the spectre of the sea-shore to the churchyard , and dig a grave for him there ; that by so doing she might win back her soul .

  16. 他没法把目光盯在那石碑上,没法在想着那个坟和坟里的死人。

    He could no longer keep his eyes upon the headstone , could no longer think of the grave and what it held .

  17. 马吕斯,两手捂着额头,跪在一个坟前的草丛里。

    Marius , with his forehead clasped in his hands , was kneeling upon the grass on a grave .