
  • 网络Equilibrium;evenness
  1. 一种adhoc网络可靠性度量&网络均衡度

    A Metric of ad hoc Networks Reliability : Degree of Network Balance

  2. 这两种算法均采用Dijkstra算法计算工作通路和保护通路(或子通路),并考虑了保护切换时间和负载均衡度的约束。

    The two algorithms both compute the working path and the protection path ( or sub-protection path ) by running the Dijkstra algorithm , and they also take the restriction of protection-switching time and the load balance into consideration .

  3. SOA的偏置电流对SOA环形腔输出脉冲振幅的均衡度影响显著,对于基频为2.5GHz和10GHz输入脉冲序列分别存在一最佳的SOA偏置电流值;

    Bias current of SOA effect on the amplitude of the output pulse train is great , and there is an optimized bias current of SOA for the base frequency of the 2.5 GHz and 10 GHz , respectively .

  4. 这说明PSR各子系统及其内部各因子之间的协调性很大程度上可以反映耕地集约利用的均衡度,模型可信度比较高,可供有关方面参考借鉴。

    This showed that the PSR subsystems and internal coordination between the various factors of farmland to a large extent reflected the intensive use of a balanced , relatively high reliability model for information from the parties concerned .

  5. 仿真结果表明,对于两类任务模型,PAA算法与SAA算法相比,在任务完成时间、负载均衡度、系统响应时间及任务夭折率等多方面均有显著改善。

    The results of the simulation of the two task models have shown that compared with SAA scheme , the performance of PAA is significantly better in task finishing time , load balancing , system response time , ratio of discarded tasks , etc.

  6. 推导出求列车分布均衡度的计算公式。

    The formula for the eveness of trains distribution is deduced .

  7. 分税制改革、财政依赖度与教育均衡度改进

    Tax-Share Reform , Fiscal Dependency and the Improvement of Education Equity

  8. 坐标测量机的空间误差检测及误差修正不均衡度的测量

    Measurement and correction for volumetric errors of coordinate measuring machines

  9. 轧钢生产均衡度对其工序能耗的影响

    The influence of equilibrium of rolling production on its process energy consumption

  10. 随后致力于均衡度与差异度之间关系的刻画,并且讨论了均衡度的构造。

    The relations among them and the construction of balance degree are studied .

  11. 不均衡度的测量企业计量建标中怎样确定测量不确定度

    How to Determine the Degree of Measuring Uncertainty in Establishing Corporate Standards for Measurement

  12. 不均衡度的测量应力应变电测技术在内燃机测量中的应用

    Application of Stress and Strain Electrical Measuring Technology to Measurement of Internal Combustion Engine

  13. 供距离测量用的光波长度标准不均衡度的测量

    Wavelength of Light Standard for Measuring Distance

  14. 这款葡萄酒的口感让人倍感清爽,具有丰润的果味和良好的均衡度。

    In the mouth this wine is very refreshing , full of fruit and well-balanced .

  15. 选取洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数对区内路径利用的不均衡度进行度最;

    The utilization of tourist routes are measured by using Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient ;

  16. 关于均衡度与变权的注记

    Notes on balance degree and variable weight

  17. 词分布均衡度评价特征词选取方法的文本分类

    Text Categorization of Characteristic Word Choice Based on Methods of Word Distributing Equilibria Degree Evaluation

  18. 不均衡度的测量手术麻醉按常规方法进行。

    Measuring inequalities Anesthesia was standardized .

  19. 通过一个实例说明均衡度的定义存在不足之处,由此引出关于均衡度定义的修正方案;

    Some imperfect aspects in the definition of balance degree introduced in the literature are explained .

  20. 考虑指标均衡度影响和专家人数不一致因素的信息系统综合评价模型

    A Multiobjective Assessment Model for Information Systems Concerning the Influence of Target Balance and Expert Number

  21. 不均衡度的测量重点对误差进行分析。

    The measuring error is analyzed .

  22. 不均衡度的测量

    On the Balance of Measuring Punishments

  23. 在云计算的虚拟资源中,提高资源利用率和负载均衡度是永恒的话题。

    In cloud computing , improving resource utilization rate and load balance degree is an eternal topic .

  24. 均衡度与变权

    Balance Degree and Variable Weight

  25. 基于熵理论的高新区发展不均衡度评价

    An evaluation of the inequality development of high-tech development zones in China based on the theory of entropy

  26. 本算法在考虑非精确状态的同时引入了链路均衡度的思想。

    This algorithm not only considered the uncertainty of the network state but introduced a thought of link load balance .

  27. 同时,模型中引入了指标均衡度概念,使各指标间的协调、均衡程度在评价过程中得到反映;

    By means of Gini coefficient idea , the coordinated and balance degree of evaluated targets are showed when evaluate .

  28. 文章以大量数据为基础,分析了区域内土地利用结构动态度、信息熵和均衡度。

    Supported with mass data , it analyses the trend , the comentropy , and the equilibrium of regional land use change .

  29. 从信息熵和均衡度两个方面来计算泰安市城市土地利用的空间结构状况。

    The author reckoned the space configuration condition of urban land use in Tai'an from two aspects of equilibrium degrees and information entropy .

  30. 城市是人口和经济的聚集地,区域城市体系在一定时空条件下具有分形特征,其分形生长在不同阶段所对应的规模容量和分维数(均衡度)有所不同。

    The city system of an area has the trait of fractal , and it has different capacity and fractal dimension in different evolution stage .