
  • 网络geological team
  1. 地质队如何进入Internet

    How can geological prospecting team access to the Internet

  2. 关于三三二地质队整体改制的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Reform in the whole of NO.332 Geological Brigade

  3. 刍议地质队经营者实行年薪制

    Discussion on Implementing Annual Salary System in Geological Teams

  4. 在市场竞争中求得生存和发展&对安徽地矿局322地质队开拓市场的调查

    Strive for survival and development in market competition

  5. 实行年薪制,对经营者建立考核、激励机制是促进地质队发展的核心所在。

    Implementing annual salary system and establishing examination and encouragement mechanisms to managers are very important .

  6. 地质队要带头贯彻执行《矿产资源法》

    The geological teams must take the lead in ENFORCING 《 THE law of mineral resources 》

  7. 一个从困境中崛起的地质队&赴四川省地矿局402地质队的调查报告

    A geological prospecting team standing up from difficult situation ── investigation report on NO.402 team of Geological Prospecting Bureau in Si Chuan Province

  8. 适于地质队中小型矿区、测区测量成果的保存、加工、应用。

    This method is suitable to apply in the mining area of medium-small scale and the storage and processing of the results of survey .

  9. 做好离退休职工管理和服务工作刍议&以广西壮族自治区二七四地质队为例

    How to Do a Good Job in the Management and Services for Retired Employees & Exemplified by Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 274 Geological Brigade

  10. 地质队经营机制的转变对增强其活力具有重要意义,同时要努力创造一个良好的外部环境。

    It is thought that transformation of the operational mechanism of the geological teams is of great significance to enhancing their vitality . Moreover , efforts are also needed to create a favorable external environment .

  11. 方法对3个铀矿和两个铀矿地质勘探队进行流行病学调查研究。

    Methods An epidemiological study was carried out in three uranium mines and two geological prospecting teams for uranium mines .

  12. 铀矿地质勘探队井下作业人员氡子体暴露量估算及肺癌危险调查

    Radon daughter cumulated exposure estimation and lung cancer risk survey of underground workers of geological exploring teams for uranium ore

  13. 为此,新疆综合地质勘查队利用综合物探手段,对煤田火烧区进行勘探,探明火区内的地质构造、火区范围及燃烧深度,为煤田灭火设计及施工提供必要的地质依据。

    For this reason , the Xinjiang Comprehensive Geological Exploration Team uses integrated geophysical prospecting means to prove geological structures in the burning area , burning area extension and combustion depth , provides necessary geological basis for fire extinguishing design and operation .

  14. 本文介绍了湖南地质矿产局402队转换机制、搞活经济的情况及作法和体会。

    The article introduces the experience of and measures taken by the No 402 Geological Party under the Hunan Bareau of Geology and Mineral Resources in transforming its operational mechanism and invigorating its economy .

  15. 从从1954年起云南地质局下属勘察队已对该区进行了多次地质勘察工作,虽然找到了一些零星矿点,但一直没有重大发现。

    Since 1954 The Geological Survey team of the Yunnan USGS has conducted a number of geological survey works for the area . They found some sporadic occurrence from the work , but had found nothing of significance .

  16. 地质素描的编绘工作也是地质队投入技术力量最多的、最经常的一项基础性工作。

    Geologic sketch drawing is basic work which geologic party invests great technical force and money .

  17. 因此,资源地质配合工作&对口设计院与地质队的密切配合就显得愈来愈重要。

    The geological cooperation on resources for cement production - the close cooperation between relative design institute and geological brigade - becomes more and more important .

  18. 矿床地质研究所;陕西省地质矿产局第13地质队;

    Huang Dianhao , Wang Yichang and Nie Fengjun ( Institute of Mineral Deposits , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences ) Jiang Xiujie ( No.13 Geological Party of Shaanxi Province )