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  • regional
  1. 对话的焦虑:地缘文化·革命文化·全球化

    Anxiety of discourse : regional culture , revolutionary culture , and globalization

  2. 美国全球战略重心东移与中国的地缘安全

    The Eastward Transfer of US Global Strategy and the Regional Security of China

  3. 匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。

    Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map .

  4. 现实是,南极洲是地缘政治的竞争目标。

    " The reality is that Antarctica is geopolitically contested . "

  5. 应对气候变化是全人类的共同事业,不应该成为地缘政治的筹码、攻击他国的靶子、贸易壁垒的借口。

    Climate change is the common cause of all humanity . It should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics , a target for attacking other countries , or an excuse for trade barriers .

  6. 这个词1953年就已经出现,用来指代个人及群体组织之间的人际关系、地缘政治关系以及商业关系。

    The term is used to describe personal , geopolitical , and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions . The word has appeared in print as early as 1953 . For example :

  7. 但是,以强调地缘政治的方式兜售TPP,也伴随着严重的风险。

    But selling the TPP by screaming geopolitics comes with serious risks .

  8. IMF预计俄罗斯在未来2年几乎不会增长,原因是制裁和地缘政治紧张促使投资者撤出资金。

    It expects Russia to see almost no growth over the next two years , as sanctions and geopolitical tensions lead investors to withdraw capital .

  9. 另一个举措应是扩大g8年会,以反映目前的经济和地缘政治现实。

    Another step should be to broaden the G8 annual meetings to reflect current economic and geopolitical realities .

  10. 本文在分析了城市形象设计的内涵及其战略意义后,在传统CI设计的基础上,提出了城市形象的地缘识别、人文识别和政策识别,并就此对重庆城市形象设计进行了探讨。

    And then , on the basis of traditional CI design , it puts forward geography identity , humanism identity , policy identity of city image and discusses the design of Chongqing city image .

  11. 中国的海疆与我国海洋地缘政治战略

    Coastal areas and territorial seas and marine geopolitics strategies of China

  12. 美国石油地缘战略与中东地区安全

    U.S Oil Geological Strategy and Regional Security in the Middle East

  13. 地缘因素和地缘战略在大国崛起中发挥了重要作用。

    Geo-factors and geo-strategies are imperative for emerging of great nations .

  14. 西部大开发要注意通过地缘战略,凭借国际力量实现综合安全保障。

    West exploiting realizes comprehend safeguard by geostrategy and international power .

  15. 评西方学者对中国实力地位的地缘政治分析

    Analysis on Western Scholars ' View of China 's Geopolitical Power

  16. 试论冷战后美国地缘战略新特点

    Expound the new characteristics of American geostrategy after the cold war

  17. 冷战后国际冲突的地缘特征分析

    A Geo-political Analysis of International Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Period

  18. 阿富汗问题三十年(1979~2009):地缘政治、民族与宗教

    Afghanistan Issue Thirty Years ( 1979-2009 ): Geopolitics , Nationality and Religion

  19. 创新与超越:新地缘政治与国家安全

    To Innovate and Surpass : New Geopolitics and National Security

  20. 当代俄美地缘政治冲突:原因、特点和影响

    Contemporary Russia-US Geopolitical Conflicts : Causes , Characteristics and Impacts

  21. 世界领袖尊重李光耀,因为他是一位地缘政治天才。

    World leaders respected Mr Lee because he was a geopolitical genius .

  22. 图们江发展三角区的地缘经济与资源赋予特点

    Geoeconomics and Resource Vesting Characteristics of Tumen River Development Triangle

  23. 关于建立地缘学新学科的构想

    A Framework on Building up a New Subject & Geobordery

  24. 地缘政治与中亚五国民族问题

    The Geopolitics and the Ethnic Issue of the Five Central Asian States

  25. 中亚与东南亚:中国石油安全的地缘战略选择

    Central Asia and Southeast Asia : China 's Oil Safety

  26. 从福建大米进口贸易的消长看地缘经济优势

    Trade Forum On geo economics advantage from Fujian rice 's importing business

  27. 以地缘优势利用为基础的东西联动协同发展论。

    - Theory of coordinating development based on the advantages of geography .

  28. 中国地缘外交的目标是发挥全球作用。

    Chinese diplomatic target is to become a global role .

  29. 还有,目前在朝鲜和伊朗问题上,存在地缘政治方面的不确定性。

    And then there is geopolitical uncertainty over North Korea and Iran .

  30. 美国对华地缘战略与中国和平发展

    Geo strategy in the USA to China and china 's peaceful development