
  1. 由于地理标志与商标有着本质的区别,TRIPS协议才对地理标志建立了与商标权不同的特殊保护原则。

    Because GI and TM had intrinsical differentiations , TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM .

  2. TRIPs协定把地理标志同商标、专利和版权等知识产权并列,作为一种独立的知识产权,要求WTO的各缔约国或地区给予保护。

    TRIPs Agreement regards geographical indications as an independent object of the intellectual property rights such as trademark , patent and copyright , and requires WTO members offer protection .

  3. 加强对地理标志的商标保护

    To reinforce the trademark protection of the geographical indications

  4. 食品地理标志与商标的本质区别

    Essential differentiation between food geographical indications and trademarks

  5. 本文第三章则分析了地理标志与商标冲突产生的具体成因与具体表现。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the reasons for and the situations of the conflicts between GIs and trademark .

  6. 由于地理标志与商标本质相同,且均以地理名称为主要识别标志因而冲突不可避免。

    GIs and trademark embody the same essence and both take geographical names as recognition marks , thus the conflicts between such two rights can not be avoided .

  7. 第三章用实践案例提炼出了地理标志与商标冲突的四种表现,并总结了其实质是权利人冲突。

    Chapter Three mainly explores the four kinds of conflicts between GIs and trademarks , and then summarizes that the essence of the problem lies in the conflict between obligees .

  8. 将集群品牌注册为地理标志集体商标,证明商标是从法律上保护集群品牌知识产权的有效模式。

    Therefore , it is a valid mode , registering the cluster brand as the collective trademark or the certification trademark of the geographical indication , to protect the intellectual property of brand .

  9. 地理标志是商标和专利之外的一种独立的知识产权,它不仅能够标识货物的地理来源,而且能够向消费者传递该货物源自其地理原产地的特定品质。

    Geographical Indications ( hereinafter called GIs ), as an independent intellectual property right aside from trademark and patent . , can not only designates the geographical origin of goods but also indicates certain specified quality or characteristic of the goods that related to its source .

  10. 商标国际私法研究地理标志与地名商标的冲突及法律适用

    The Conflict of Geographical Indication with Topographic Trademarks and Its Application of Law

  11. 第二部分确定地理标志与地名商标是否构成权利冲突。

    The second part is to determine if there is conflict between geographical indications and trademarks of geographical names .

  12. 美国承认地理标志可作为商标,但并不包括欧盟希望加以保护的所有食品和饮料名称。

    The United States recognizes geographical indicators that have been trademarked , but not the full gamut of food and beverage names the EU wants to protect .

  13. 本文对地理标志与地名商标违法性权利冲突的考量因素进行了分析论证。如在先权利、主观意图、利益平衡、商业标识知名度等因素。

    In this article , we should take factors of conflict into account , Such prior rights , the subjective intent , the balance of interests , business logo visibility and other factors .

  14. 申请以地理标志作为集体商标注册的团体、协会或者其他组织,应当由来自该地理标志标示的地区范围内的成员组成。

    Groups , associations or other organizations applying for registration of a geographical mark as a collective trademark shall be composed of members from within the region as indicated by the geographical mark .

  15. 当地理标志与地名商标发生冲突时,要在不违背《商标法》规定的前提下,遵循效益最优化原则,采取不同措施予以解决。

    In other words , when the geography trademark collides with the placename trademark , we may make use of different measurements to resolve in accord with Trademark Act and the principle of return maximum .

  16. 消费者层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括质量保证程度、地理标志产品证明商标和集体商标应用程度、品牌形象力和消费者满意度。

    At consumer level , the factors , including quality assurance level , application level of geographical indication of product certification marks and collective marks , brand power , customer satisfaction , influence the brand competitiveness .

  17. 当货物并非原产于其标示的地域,并且如果对商标中该标记的使用会误导公众,那么,对包含有或者由地理标志组成的商标的注册应予禁止。

    Article 22.3 prohibits granting trademark registration which contains or consists of a geographical indication when the goods do not originate in the territory indicated , if the use of the indication in the trademark misleads the public .

  18. 通过对地理标志与地名商标差异的比较,寻出二者之间冲突的判断要素,如权利的合法性、客体的同一性、主体的相异性等。

    Through the differences between geographical indications and trademarks of geographical names , we find out the conflict elements such as the legality of the right , the identity of the object , the diversity of the subject and so on .

  19. 如果地理标志与地名商标构成权利冲突,是何种权利冲突,合法的抑或是违法的权利冲突,由于对两种权利冲突的处理结果是截然不同的,因此应当进行分析判定。

    If the conflict of rights is made of geographical indications and trademarks of geographical names , then what kind of conflict of rights , legal rights or against the law conflict , because the two dealing the results are completely different , and therefore we need analyzing and determining .

  20. 我国的农产品地理标志保护主要是商标法保护模式。

    In China , protection of geographical indications of agricultural products is the trademark law protected mode .

  21. 浙江金华火腿案是我国首例地理标志权与一般商标权发生冲突的典型案例。

    JinHua ham case in ZheJiang is the first typical case about geographical indication trademark conflict with the general trademark right .

  22. 注册为证明商标是地理标志保护的最重要方式,通过将地理标志注册为证明商标,从而让地理标志获得商标法的保护。

    Registered as certification trademark is the most important way to protect the geographical indications , it plays its protecting role by assigning geographical indications registered as certification trademarks .

  23. 最后,地理标志的国际保护也具有重要意义,我们不仅要解决国内的地理标志与商标的冲突,更需要积极参与国际谈判,加强对地理标志的国际保护。

    Lastly , we should not only solve internal conflict between geographical indications and trademarks , but also participate in international negotiations , in order to strengthen the international protection of geographical indications .