
  • 网络inch-by-inch search;Thorough Search
  1. 购物者为了想找到便宜货对网站进行了地毯式搜索。

    The shoppers scoured the website for some good deals .

  2. 现在你们两个,我让你们进行地毯式搜索。

    Now you two , I want you to look all over the grounds .

  3. 全城地毯式搜索。

    Search every inch of the city .

  4. 警方、军方和调查方联合开展的这次地毯式搜索,目的在于逼迫罪犯走出丛林。

    The blanket search to be jointly conducted by the police , military police and investigators is aimed at forcing the criminal out of the jungle .

  5. 周六发现了两具遗体,周日在参与地毯式搜索的飞行员报告新发现后,巴西和法国船只打捞上其他遗体。

    Two bodies were recovered Saturday , and Brazilian and French ships picked up the others on Sunday after pilots participating in a grid search reported additional sightings .

  6. 阿瑟恼羞成怒,硬是往前地毯式地搜索了一遍,结果还真的在第二章发现作者曾经随口提到水池出了什么问题。

    In exasperation Arthur had combed his way back through the book and in the end had found a passing reference to some problem with the plumbing in Chapter 2 .