
  • 网络Endemic disease prevention;prevention and treatment of endemic disease
  1. 切实加强甲型H1N1流感等重大传染病防控和慢性病、职业病、地方病防治,提高突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力。

    We will strengthen prevention and control of infiuenza A ( H1N1 ) and other major communicable diseases as well as chronic , occupational , and endemic diseases , and enhance our ability to handle public health emergencies .

  2. 本课题的研究是和江苏省疾病预防控制中心及江苏省泗洪县疾病预防控制中心联合进行的,并得到了江苏省地方病防治协会的资助(项目号X200327);

    This study was carried out with the collaboration of Jiangsu Province CDC and Sihong County CDC , and supported by The Association of Jiangsu Province for Endemic Disease Control and Prevention ( Project No. : X200327 ) .

  3. 陕西省地方病防治现状分析

    Analysis of present condition of endemic disease prevention in Shanxi province

  4. 地方病防治工作中档案的开发与利用

    Information retrieval of archiving in prevention and treatment for endemic disease

  5. 2001年陕西地方病防治工作年报结果分析

    Analysis of Yearly Report on Endemic Disease in Shaanxi Province in 2001

  6. 陕西省地方病防治回顾与展望

    The history and future of controlling the endemic diseases in Shaanxi Province

  7. 中国西部地区重点地方病防治规划设想

    The control plan of key endemic disease in western region of China

  8. 呼和浩特市2008年地方病防治健康教育效果评价

    Hohhot City in 2008 to combat endemic Health Education

  9. 摄影在健康教育和地方病防治中的作用

    The Role Photography Plays in Health Education and Prevention and Treatment of Endemic Diseases

  10. 山东省地方病防治50年回顾与基本经验

    The review and basic experience of controlling endemic disease in Shandong Province for 50 years

  11. 青海省果洛地区地方病防治现状和展望

    The Present State and Prospect of Preventing Endemic Diseases in Golog Area , Qinghai Province

  12. 经过多年的努力,地方病防治工作取得了很大成绩。

    With the efforts for many years , great achievements have been made in the prevention of the endemic diseases .

  13. 我们要增加重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治的专项投入。

    We will appropriate more funds to prevent and control major infectious , chronic , occupational , and endemics diseases .

  14. 模式标本保存于山西省大同市地方病防治所。

    All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Endemic Disease Control of Datong City , Shanxi Province .

  15. 结论:陕西地方病防治工作取得了一定成绩,但危害远未消除,全省仍有390多万现症患者,防治工作任重道远。

    Conclusions : Endemic diseases prevention had achieved some progress , but endanger is far and not dissolve , there has 3.9 million patients in whole .

  16. 提高重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治能力,人均基本公共服务经费补助标准增加到35元。

    We will improve our capacity to prevent and treat major communicable and chronic diseases and occupational and endemic diseases . The government subsidy for basic public health services will be increased to 35 yuan per person .

  17. 含氡地下水对某些地方病的防治作用

    The prevention and cure effect of radon-bearing groundwater on some endemic diseases

  18. 在该国,这种疫病似乎是地方病,监视和防治活动迄今尚未能阻断病毒在各省之间传播。

    The disease appears to be endemic in the country , and surveillance and control campaigns have so far not succeeded in interrupting virus transmission between provinces .

  19. 通过该研究为相关部门有效的预防及治疗大骨节病提供可信的、科学的理论依据,也为我们医疗工作者完善治疗方法及地方病的研究和防治奠定一定的基础。

    These studies can provide reliable and theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of Kaschin - Beck disease . Also they can lay a foundation for medical workers to improve the level of treatment and research endemic disease .

  20. 了解恩施市地方性氟中毒病区高氟来源,为地方性氟中毒病防治提供科学依据。

    Objective : To know the fluoride source of endemic fluorosis disease area in Enshi and to provide scientific basis for prevention and treatment of endemic fluorosis .