
  • 网络Topographical action;geomorphic process
  1. 利用考虑地形作用的浅水波模式对基流中地形Rossby波振幅特征进行了数值计算。

    The effects of topographic gradient on the amplitude of Rossby wave are calculated numerically in terms of a shallow water model with topography .

  2. 本文利用正压模式的非线性方程组,讨论了地形作用下Rossby孤立波的存在问题。

    Using a group of nonlinear equations of barotropic model , this paper discusses the question of the existence of Rossby solitary wave under the action of topography .

  3. 本文利用美国PSU/NCAR中尺度模式(MM4)对1991年7月4&5日浙西皖南山区的大暴雨过程进行了地形作用的数值模拟对比试验。

    By use of the mesoscale model ( MM4 ) from PSU / NCAR , a strong rainfall event during 4-5 July 1991 in the mountain area of the Zhejiang-Anhui provinces is simulated .

  4. 北半球冬季平均E-P通量的辐合辐散与地形作用形成的大槽大脊相对应,其强度也与槽脊的强度相一致。

    The divergence or convergence of the E-P flux in the Northern Hemisphere winter ( January ) is corresponding with the trough and ridge generated by the orographic effect , and their intensities are also consistent with each other .

  5. 暴雨过程中中尺度地形作用的数值试验

    Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Mesoscale Topography in a Heavy Rain Process

  6. 正压准地转模式中大地形作用下的低频波

    Low frequency waves forced by large scale topography in the barotropic quasi geostrophic model

  7. 地形作用下的有限振幅波动稳定性分析

    On the stability analysis on the finite amplitude wave under the influence of topography

  8. 松嫩流域两类降水过程中地形作用的数值试验研究

    Analysis of numerical experiment of terrain effects in the course of two kinds of precipitation in SongHua and Lin valley

  9. 在大尺度环流形势下,中尺度辐合线和地形作用为局地大暴雨提供了有利条件。

    The large scale circulation situation , mesoscale convergence line and orographic action provided advantage condition for local large heavy rain .

  10. 渭河下游,地形作用是暴雨形成的重要因素。

    The topography of the lower reaches of Weihe River is complicated , which is an significant factor for the formation of rainstorm .

  11. 文中强调了阻高上游的低槽加深东移、海温变化以及地形作用是促使阻高异常的重要因素。

    It is emphases that the eastward steepening of low troughs in the upstream of the blocking high , the SST variation and the topography effect are the major factors influencing the variation of the blocking high .

  12. 从气候背景、天气形势、地形作用、沙尘形成热力和动力学机制等方面,分别对2005年4月19、20日两天发生在冀南地区的扬沙、沙尘暴天气进行分析。

    A case study is made of the dust storm occurred on 19,20 April 2005 in the southern Hebei Province from the aspects of the climatic background , synoptic features , orographic effect and dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms .

  13. 结果表明:海温对台风玛姬(9903)路径有一定的影响,地形作用对台风玛姬(9903)路径的影响不可忽视,台风非对称结构对9903号台风异常路径的作用非常重要。

    The results indicate that SST have some influence on typhoon track , and the influence of topographic forcing on typhoon MAGGIE ( 9903 ) track is not neglectable . The typhoon 's asymmetric structure is an important factor in its abnormal track .

  14. 通过对台风玛姬(9903)个例进行数值模拟,探讨了海温和地形作用对台风玛姬(9903)路径的影响,分析了环境气流、台风非对称结构与台风移动路径之间的关系。

    Numerical simulation experiments for the case of typhoon MAGGIE ( 9903 ) were carried out . The influence on typhoon MAGGIE ( 9903 ) track by SST and topographic forcing were studied , and the relation between environment flow , typhoon asymmetric structure and typhoon moving path was analysed .

  15. 对波浪与三角形或梯形沙坝地形相互作用的数值模拟也较好地反映出了Bragg共振现象,共振周期与Davies理论预测一致。

    The numerical simulation on the interaction between surface waves and the triangle / trapezium sandbars on the seabed also shows the Bragg resonance and the resonant period matches the Davies ' prediction .

  16. 对物理模型试验得到的波浪与正弦沙坝地形相互作用的波面序列,用Goda的两点法计算出反射系数,较好地反映出了Bragg共振现象。

    The physical experiments give the series of wave records under the interaction between surface waves and sandbars on the seabed . Based on the series of wave records , reflection coefficients are calculated by Goda 's method and the Bragg resonance are obtained .

  17. 中国农田生产力变化的空间格局及地形控制作用

    Spatial Pattern and Topographic Control of China 's Agricultural Productivity Variability

  18. 地形动力作用对华北暴雨和云系影响的数值研究

    Numerical Study for the Influences of Orographic Dynamic on Cloud and Precipitation in North China

  19. 南海环流的动力机制有两个:最重要的动力因子为斜压场与地形相互作用项,其次为风应力与地形相互作用项。

    The second dynamical mechanism is because of the interaction between the wind stress and relief .

  20. 分析研究表明:地形的作用对中天山北坡的云和降水分布有重要影响,在暖季地形对降水的影响是非常突出的,而在冷季地形影响并不甚明显;

    The results are shown that topography action have important infection for cloud and precipitation in northern slope of middle Tianshan Mountains ;

  21. 它们的粗糙的分辨率意味着它们常常忽略了对地方气候具有重要意义的地形强迫作用以及陆地表面反馈。

    Their coarse resolution means they often miss processes such as topographic forcing and land-surface feedbacks that are important for local climate .

  22. 本文按波浪作用通量守恒原则分析了波浪在水流、地形综合作用下折射计算的方法,提出了计算程序WCINDWA,并得出了诺谟图。

    Based on the principle of conservation of wave action flux , a method to calculate current-depth refraction of water waves is introduced .

  23. 因此包络孤立子与地形相互作用可以认为是阻塞产生的可能机制。

    It appears that in the higher latitude regions , the planetary-scale envelope soliton-topography interaction could be regarded as a possible mechanism of the establishment of blocking .

  24. 结果表明,东亚的地形动力作用对以下天气系统有重要影响:(1)蒙古高压的生成、发展;

    It shows that the mountain dynamic effect plays important role in four weather-systems over the East-Asia : ( 1 ) forming and developing of the Mongolian High ;

  25. 一次西南低涡形成过程的数值试验和诊断(一)&地形动力作用和潜热作用对西南低涡影响的数值试验对比分析

    Numerical Simulation and Diagnosis of the Formation of SW Vortex I : An Analysis of Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Topography and Latent Heat on SW Vortex

  26. 分层剪切流与地形相互作用可以支持很多种波的存在,包括重力内波,山岳波,以及由剪切不稳定性产生的不稳定波。

    A stratified shear flow over topography can support a variety of waves , including gravity waves , mountain lee waves , and instability waves arising from shear instability .

  27. 低空急流最大风速出口辐合上升区与地形抬升作用共同造成盆地西北强烈的垂直上升运动,激发对流云团强烈发展,是本次暴雨的触发条件。

    The strong upward vertical movement , resulted from the convergence ascending of low level south east jet exit region and the local topographic forcing , stimulated strong convective clouds .

  28. 于是我们很容易得到了非常简单的谐波形式的本征模态解,为进一步讨论海洋内波与海底地形相互作用带来很大方便。

    In this way , we are easy to obtain a very simple harmonic solution , which facilitates the further discussion on the interaction between ocean internal wave and submarine topography .

  29. 滑坡失稳滑动后在地形控制作用下运动过程的计算是灾害作用强度评价模型建立的基础。

    Therefore , if you want to establish the evaluation model of landslide effect intensity , you should first calculate the movement process under the control of terrain after landslide failure .

  30. 泰利台风低压大暴雨过程冷空气与地形的作用低速大迎角下机腹双弯涵道空气动力性质研究

    Cold Air Activities and Topographic Forcing in Severe Torrential Rainfall in Landing Typhoon Depression ( Tailim ) Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics for Double-bend Inlet in the Situation of High Incidence and Low Speed