
dì qū xìng
  • Regional;provincialism
地区性[dì qū xìng]
  1. 非基本医疗服务只具有经济学上的意义,且具有层次性、发展性和地区性3个主要特点。

    Such services , defined economically only , are chiefly characterized by multiplicity of levels , capacity for development and provincialism .

  2. 基本医疗是可得的、能支付的、适宜的医疗服务,具有可得性、发展性、地区性、经济性的特点。

    Basic medical services are able to be acquired , able to pay and suitable medical services , being provided with the characteristics of acquirement , development , provincialism and economy .

  3. 现在他准备通过开展地区性的媒体活动加大宣传力度。

    Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign .

  4. 这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。

    This regional bloc has fallen apart .

  5. 以必要的规模循环利用资金,将会超过国际货币基金组织(imf)、世界银行(worldbank)以及地区性开发银行日常的业务量。

    Re-circulating the money in the needed scale will require more than business as usual at the International Monetary Fund , the world bank and regional development banks .

  6. 结合体育赞助开发地区性学校体育赛事资源

    Study of interactive exploitation between regional school sports and business sponsors

  7. 地区性与建筑之灵韵&创造微观境遇中的具体建筑

    Regionality and Architectural ò Aura ó: Making Specific Building in Local Circumstances

  8. 它同时也突显出,作为一个地区性大国,中国的影响力越来越大。

    It also highlights Beijing 's increasing influence as a regional power .

  9. 它产生了沙丘受侵蚀的地区性问题。

    It caused localized problems of erosion on sand dunes .

  10. 地区性经济发展是经济理论应用上的一个主题。

    Regional economic development is a staple among the applications of economic theory .

  11. 热盐卤流体入侵只是局部、地区性因素;

    The hot brine intrusion was only local factor .

  12. 结论沿海地区性早熟儿的发病率为0.38%,女性性早熟发病率较高(0.67%)。

    Conclusions There is higher morbidity for the female ( 0.67 % ) .

  13. 淮北地区性传播疾病感染情况调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of sexually transmitted disease and infection

  14. 巴东,一个压抑型工业城市是一个地区性的物流中心;

    Bandong , an oppressive-looking industrial city that serves as a regional distribution center ;

  15. 这两个地区性铁路系统合并了。

    The two regional railway systems were integrated .

  16. 在南方局部地区性雷暴伴随降雨。

    Isolated thunderstorms accompany rainfall in the South .

  17. 俄罗斯是一个重要的地区性强国。

    Russia is a significant regional power .

  18. 但那只是地区性的。

    But it was the regionals .

  19. 因此,对于北京发展文化产业的地区性优势,必须作为一个整体来考虑。

    Therefore , area predominance of developing Beijing cultural industry must be considered as a whole .

  20. 地区性的跨国破产公约,特别是欧洲的跨国破产公约为国际破产法的统一化运动增色不少。此外,各国还缔结了大量的双边条约以解决破产宣告的域外效力问题。

    Regional treaties on transnational bankruptcy , especially in European countries , have promoted the movement .

  21. 上海、广州和北京由于地区性城市首位度的作用而成为我国进行国际化的首批城市。

    Shanghai 、 Guangzhou and Beijing are the first group globalizing cities because of their primacy .

  22. 山区河流二维阻力特性研究通过对山区河流特性分析,认为其概念带有鲜明的地区性。

    Study on two-dimension resistance of mountain rivers Mountain rivers are characterized with distinct geographic features .

  23. 地区性特别法,是指由中央根据某地区状况制定的、仅适用于该区域的特别法。

    Regional special laws are enacted by the cental government but enfareed in some particular regions .

  24. 因为地区性、性别多样性以及制造轰动效应的需要会在很大程度上影响编辑筛选过程。

    Variety of region , gender and the surprise factor weigh heavily in the editorial winnowing process .

  25. 此外,经济文化的地区性差异也为其实施带来巨大的阻力。

    In addition , the local difference of the economic and culture also bring huge resistance to it .

  26. 结论:单独服用米非司酮、左炔诺孕酮两次服法均可作为高原地区性生活后72小时内有效紧急避孕方法。米非司酮与左炔诺孕酮合用,未显示出协同作用。

    Conclusion : Use of LNG and mifepristone for emergency contraception is effective and safe at high altitude .

  27. 吐蕃势力南下入滇是其东向发展战略的一个重要组成部分,但又具有地区性的特点。

    Tubo Force 's Entering southward Yunnan is an important part of its east-developing strategy with local features .

  28. 中国作为一个具有世界影响的地区性大国,其安全权益主要集中于周边地区。

    As a regional power with global influence , China centers its security rights and interests on perimeter areas .

  29. 世界卫生组织(WHO)采用了一种标准化的方法学来收集干预措施的成本与效果的地区性资料。

    WHO developed one standard methodology to collect the data of cost and effectiveness of different intervention in healthcare system .

  30. 地震烈度衰减关系具有较强的地区性,这是由于不同地区的震源特性、传播介质和场地条件的不同而引起。

    Since the difference of focal character , media and site , attenuation of earthquake intensity is different in regions .