
  • 网络ground ice
  1. 厚层地下冰地段路堤建筑中的两个重要问题

    Two important problems of embankment construction in the section of massive ground ice

  2. 环境同位素~3H在青藏高原多年冻土区地下冰研究中的应用

    Applications of Environmental Isotope Tritium to Research Into Ground Ice in Permafrost Regions of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  3. 不会他们是在地下冰里面

    No , they were underground , in ice .

  4. 厚层地下冰地段桥梁钻孔灌注桩基础试验研究综述

    A Summary of Testing Study on Cast-in-site Bored Pile in Deep Iced Ground

  5. 多年冻土上限附近厚层地下冰成因探讨

    Discussion on the formation of thick underground ice near the upper limit of permafrost

  6. 一种可能是由含水层渗透、或地下冰融化造成的。

    One possibility is that the seeps are fueled by an aquifer or melting subsurface ice .

  7. 基岩中的大块地下冰

    Massive Ground Ice Within Bedrock

  8. 气候变暖背景下青藏高原多年冻土层中地下冰作为水源的可能性探讨

    Discussion on the Possibility of Taking Ground Ice in Permafrost Regions as Water Sources under Climate Warming

  9. 探地雷达勘察结果显示,地表地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化均对多年冻土上限变化和地下冰的赋存产生重要影响。

    GPR survey indicates that topography , vegetation , and surface moisture conditions have substantial impacts on the permafrost table and ground ice .

  10. 美国航空航天局“凤凰”号火星探测器成功登陆火星北极附近地区,开始了为期3个月的探测火星土壤及地下冰的任务。

    The U.S.space agency 's Phoenix space probe has landed successfully near Mars'northern pole to begin a three-month mission to explore Martian soil and look for buried ice .

  11. 从洞口段、洞身、厚层地下冰施工以及施工保温、供氧、机械设备配备等方面介绍隧道施工技术。

    An introduction is given to the tunnel construction from construction of portal section , main tunnel , deep underground ice , and heat preservation , oxygen supply , and construction equipment .

  12. 探测器将借助2.5米长的机械手臂挖掘土壤样本,采集地下冰,或者永久冻土,来研究这个红色星球上是否有生命迹象存在。

    The spacecraft will use its2.5-meter robotic arm to scoop up soil samples and collect underground ice , or permafrost , to see whether there 's evidence life ever existed on the Red Planet .

  13. 它们看起来像干涸的河床,表明埋藏于地下的冰也许曾经位于地表。

    They look like dry river beds , and suggest evidence that this ice trapped underground could have once existed on its surface .

  14. 沈阳商业城地下水源热泵和冰蓄冷系统设计

    Design of Underground Water Source Heat Pump and Ice Cooling Storage System in Shenyang Commercial City