
  • 网络earth radius;radius of the earth
  1. 低空目标电波折射修正中地球半径计算方法

    The Earth Radius Calculating Method in Radiowave Refractive Correction for Low Altitude Targets

  2. 对有效地球半径的推导方法和应用进行了讨论。

    Application of effective earth radius and methods to derive it are discussed .

  3. Q.如果地球半径现在开始以每秒1厘米的速度扩大,要花多久人们才能意识到他们自己变重了?

    Q. How long would it take for people to notice their weight gain if the mean radius of the world expanded by 1cm every second ?

  4. 计算结果表明:目前使用的4/3地球半径模式精度较差,只能在离地面1km高度以下使用,才能保证精度;改进等效地球半径模式的精度最高;

    Results show that the current 4 / 3 effective earth 's radius model has the lowest accuracy and can be used only below the height of 1 kilometer over the surface to guarantee sounding accuracy while the modified effective earth 's radius model has the greatest accuracy .

  5. 关于等效地球半径的概念和定义问题

    On the Concept and Definition of the Effective Earth 's Radius

  6. 等效地球半径法应用中的问题

    Problems in earth 's equivalent radius method application

  7. 高程差与地球半径相比显得很小,它与海洋面以上的高度成正比。

    Elevation differences is small compared with the earth 's radius , this is proportional to the height above sea level .

  8. 向日面磁层顶在平静太阳风条件下,处于10RE(RE为地球半径)左右。

    Under the quiet solar wind condition , the dayside magnetopause is at about 10R_E from the center of the Earth .

  9. 等效地球半径的使用可大大简化电波在大气中传播时折射效应的复杂运算,因此在实际工程中获得广泛应用。

    The refraction effect complex operation can be greatly simplified by using equivalent earths radius ; therefore it is widely available in the actual project .

  10. 而地表的重力也只是增加了0.4%,而不是1.2%,因为地表的重力与地球半径成正比。4

    Surface gravity would have gone up by only 0.4 percent , rather than 1.2 percent , since surface gravity is proportional to radius . 4

  11. 本文通过雷达测量参数和大地坐标与空间坐标的转换,给出了计算雷达电波射线上任意一点对应地球半径的方法。

    Based on conversion of radar measurement parameters from geodetic coordinates to space coordinates , a method is presented for calculating earth radius corresponding to any point on radar wave .

  12. 该文指出,使用中值近似是获取大气折射精确解的一种途径,而且通过积分中值近似可导出有效地球半径。

    It is indicated in this paper that effective earth radius can be introduced by using median value approximation of integration , which is also an effective technique to obtain accurate solution of atmospheric effects on radio wave propagation .

  13. 进入白垩纪,地球半径增加、岩石圈板块自转减慢且向赤道漂移,由于太平洋板块相对欧亚板块向南漂移,在盆地所在区形成伸展构造样式。

    In Cretaceous era , the radius increased and the rotation of the lithosphere plates became slower and drifted to the equator , as Europe and Asia plate drifted relatively to the south opposite to Pacific Ocean plate , forming an extending tectonic style .

  14. 火星的直径比地球的半径稍大些。

    The diameter of Mars is slightly over half that of the earth .

  15. 这是地球的半径,得到地球的转动惯量。

    This is the radius of the earth , and you see the moment of inertia of the earth .

  16. 通过推测地球的半径、质量和角速度的变化量,计算出地球各个时期的扁率。

    The oblateness in each time can be calculated according to the conjectured change of the radius , the quality and the angular velocity .

  17. 当曲面地带的半径远小于地球的半径时,这种地带可以被看成平面-曲面-平面地带的组合。

    If the radius of the curved terrain is much less than that of the earth , it can be viewed as a combination of a flat-curved-flat terrain .

  18. 火星的直径比地球的半径稍大些。活塞环的直径要略大于装入气缸时的直径。

    The diameter of Mars is slightly over half that of the earth . The rings are somewhat larger in diameter than they will be when in the cylinder .

  19. 介绍了在航迹模拟中,一条航迹在一定范围内对应的地球等效半径,可以近似为目标所在的纬度的地球曲率半径。

    In track simulation , the corresponding earth equivalent radius of a track in a specific range is approximate to the earth curvature radius of the latitudinal location of the target .

  20. 如果地球有半径,半径非常大,那么这条曲线不存在,它会停在这里,如果从A移到。

    Now , of course , if the Earth had a radius which is this big , then , of course , this curve does not exist , B it stops right here .

  21. 板块构造学说主张,地球表面积(或地球半径)并未发生过显著的增加或减小。

    The theory of plate tectonics motion claims that superficial area of earth ( or radius of earth ) has no clear increase or reduction .

  22. ,从地球表面,开始算起,半径就是地球的半径。

    I start at the surface of the Earth itself , so the radius is the radius of the Earth .

  23. 计算地球作用于卫星的重力时,地球的半径是无关紧要的。

    For calculating the force of gravity on a satellite , the radius of the earth is irrelevant .

  24. 后者充分考虑地球曲率以及大气折射的特性,通过增加地球半径来估算目标的高度。

    The latter first research the properties of earth curvature and atmospheric refraction , then estimate the altitude by increasing the radius of the earth .