
  • 网络ground bounce
  1. 提出一种多谐振电磁带隙结构以抑制高速电路中的地弹噪声。

    We propose a multi-resonance Electromagnetic Bandgap ( EBG ) structure to mitigate the ground bounce noise in high speed circuits .

  2. 从理论上分析了延迟、反射、串扰以及地弹噪声等信号完整性问题产生的原因;

    The causes of these signal integrity problems , such as signal delay , reflection , crosstalk , ground bounce noises and etc. are analyzed in theory .

  3. 球不可思议地弹过他的肩膀,钻进了球网。

    The ball bounced crazily over his shoulder into the net .

  4. 然而有一天,他在学校标准课程里的音乐课上随意地弹了弹钢琴,竟发现自己很容易就能辨别不同音调。

    However , one day , in the music class that was part of his school 's standard curriculum , he was playing idly on the piano and found it easy to pick out tunes .

  5. 亚微米门阵列ASIC中地弹噪声降低技术

    Reducing Technology of Ground-Bound Noise in Sub-Micro Gate-Array ASIC

  6. 这位名叫普拉萨德的病人向BBC透露,术后,他能够轻轻松松地弹吉他了。

    Mr Prasad told the BBC that he was able to play with ease after the surgery .

  7. 钻地弹侵彻地下结构的2D-DDA模拟研究

    Simulation Study of Earth Penetrator Penetrating Underground Structures with the Method of 2D-DDA

  8. 高速钻地弹水泥靶侵彻过程的实验研究与计算机仿真

    Experimentation Research and Simulation of Bullet with High Velocity Penetration on Concrete

  9. 钻地弹侵彻半无限介质深度的一种计算方法

    A Calculating Method of Depth about Earth Penetrating Projectile Penetrating Semi-infinite Concrete

  10. 唐尼大声地弹吉他来烦扰他弟弟。

    Donny played his guitar loudly to bother his brother .

  11. 钻地弹侵彻混凝土缩尺模型的研究

    Studying on Scale Model of Penetrator into Concrete Target

  12. 钻地弹土中弹道影响因素的数值模拟研究

    The Numerical Simulation of Effects of Trajectory in Soil for Earth Penetrating Shell

  13. 特里正在一心一意地弹钢琴。

    Terry was going great guns at the piano .

  14. 钻地弹侵彻岩石深度计算新原理与方法

    New method of calculation of projectile penetration into rock

  15. 助推钻地弹侵彻混凝土靶研究

    Penetrating Concrete Targets of Earth Penetrating Weapon with Boosting

  16. 他轻轻地弹它,直到它飞走。

    And he flicked it till it flew away !

  17. 他用指甲轻轻地弹了弹尼姆的备忘录。

    He tapped Nim 's memo with a fingernail .

  18. 门「哗」地弹开了,她走了进去。你们想她看到了甚么?

    What did she see when she stepped inside ?

  19. 他有机会尽情地弹拉手提琴。

    He had the chance to play the violin to his heart 's content .

  20. 钻地弹引信定深爆炸控制算法

    Arithmetic of blast depth controlling of penetrator fuse

  21. 只要皮特先生弹琴,他就会专心专意地弹。

    When Mr Pitt plays the piano , his heart and soul is in it .

  22. 助推钻地弹侵彻混凝土的工程分析和计算

    Engineering analysis and calculation on concrete penetration by earth penetrating weapon with roll booster effect

  23. 他坐在那儿漫不经心地弹吉他。

    He sat there strumming a guitar .

  24. 结果表明,旋转火箭发动机在助推钻地弹上应用原理上可行;

    It is shown that application of spin motors to boosted IPW is feasible in principle ;

  25. 他用力地弹钢琴。

    He thumped on the piano .

  26. 核钻地弹爆炸爆区地面放射性沾染效应研究

    STUDY OF THERMOELASTIC EFFECT IN SURFACE LAYER The Ground Radioactive Contamination Effect of Nuclear Earth Penetrator Explosion

  27. 他在她的耳边轻轻地弹动着他的舌头,并且小声说:“你是一个漂亮的舞伴。”

    He flicked his tongue in her ear and whispered ," you 're a beautiful dancer . "

  28. 哈利拿起来看,他的心像一条橡皮筋带一样绷地弹了一下。

    Harry picked it up and stared at it , his heart twanging like a giant elastic band .

  29. 设计了一种更为强力的钻地弹-钨镇重钻地弹,以提高钻地弹对硬介质目标的侵彻能力。

    A robust EP ( earth penetrator ) what we call WHA-ballast EP is designed to improve penetration performance .

  30. 应用助推技术是提高钻地弹侵彻能力的重要手段。

    The boosting technology is important to improve the penetration ability of the earth penetrating weapon ( EPW ) .