
  • 网络flooring;The ground material
  1. 性能特点:压花地坪是具有较强的艺术性和特殊装饰要求的地面材料。

    Features : Embossed floor is a strong artistic and special decorative requirements of the ground material .

  2. 基于保洁方面的考虑,不推荐使用地毯作为网吧的地面材料。

    Considerations based on the cleaning , the carpet is not recommended the use of the ground material as Internet cafes .

  3. 缸砖是一种流行的厨房地面材料。

    Quarry tiles are a popular kitchen flooring .

  4. 利用CFD技术模拟研究了不同地面材料、不同供水水温对地板采暖地板温度分布影响。

    The floor temperature distribution with different floor materials and different water temperature was researched by using CFD .

  5. GB/T12988-1991无机地面材料耐磨性试验方法

    Test method for abrasion resistance of inorganic paving materials

  6. 这是荷兰最常见的地面材料,大量地运用在学校和医院里。

    It is the most common flooring for schools and hospitals in the Netherlands .

  7. 橡胶比其他传统地面材料要安静、柔软、防滑。

    Rubber is quieter , softer and less slippery than other traditional floor materials .

  8. 自流平地面材料是一种以有机或无机胶凝材料为基材,加入各种助剂改性的用于地面自找平的新型地面材料。

    Self-leveling floor material is a new ground leveling materials which used organic or inorganic binder as base material and joined various additives .

  9. 实木地板是一种优良的室内地面装修材料,但天然木材表面耐磨性较低,CK-2耐磨树脂是一种新研制的化工涂料,专用于实木地板表面做保护层。

    CK 2 abrasion proof resin is a new type of paint used specially for coating solid wood flooring .

  10. 地面覆盖材料的光谱透射率及其对土壤温度的影响

    Spectral Transmission of Mulch Materials and Its Influence on the Soil Temperature

  11. 城市停车场混凝土地面耐磨材料及施工技术

    Construction Technology of Wear-resisting Material of Concrete Ground of Urban Parking Area

  12. 不同地面覆盖材料对壤土浑水径流入渗规律的影响

    Effect of surface mulching materials on infiltration of muddy water on loamy soils

  13. 研究显示,表土的管理和地面覆盖材料绝对影响鼠尾草种苗的建立。

    Research has shown that topsoil management and mulching positively influences sagebrush seedling establishment .

  14. 在地面装饰材料中,地板单品更是大打低碳环保牌。

    Decorative materials in the ground , the floor is playing the single-product carbon green cards .

  15. 该技术的建立,为地面防热材料筛选和材料防热机理研究提供了有效、可行的测试手段。

    This technique provides efficient and viable measurement means for thermal protected material selection and mechanism research .

  16. 硬质地面铺装材料不仅是一种艺术语言,还是整体造型的一部分。

    Hard surface paving materials is not only a language of art , or as part of the overall shape .

  17. 地面铺设材料则经过特别改良,可以让雨水迅速渗透进地下滋养树木,还能将地表温度向地下散发,而非反射到大气中。

    Specially modified road surface materials will let rainwater pass through to tree roots , and transmit heat underground instead of reflecting it back into the atmosphere .

  18. 机制花砖(通过用作地面装饰材料)和陶瓦砖,采用天然黏土制成,耐力较小并有空隙,但因其经济实惠且造型美观而广为使用。

    Quarry tiles ( used for flooring ) and terra-cotta , made of natural clays , are less hard and more porous But very popular for economic and aesthetic reasons .

  19. 并且人们在居室装修中已普遍使用各种木质地板和人造板等环保型装饰材料,木地板已成为人们地面装饰材料的首选。

    Furthermore , the wooden floor has been widely used in the house decorating , as well as the man-made board . While people are choosing materials to decorate the board , wooden floor has always been the first choice .

  20. 采用旱棚人工控水,蒸发桶整体称重法,对4种地面覆盖材料、50%覆盖度条件下,土壤水分蒸发与移动性能进行了研究。

    Based on nature evaporation experimentation with artificial controlled precipitation , the evaporation and availability of soil water to plant under 50 % cover rate conditions with four types of mulch materials , including plastic film , water permeable plastic film , hay and sponge plastic sheet , were studied .

  21. 介绍了寒冷地区C50砼地面的原材料选择,配合比选定,砼供应及运输、浇捣、养护及质量控制。

    This article describes the selection of constituent materials and the choice of mix design for C50 floor , as well as its supply , transportation , vibration , consolidation , curing and quality control .

  22. 地面自流平材料的开发应用

    Development and applications of gravity - flow leveling floor materials

  23. 把树枝当做室内地面的隔热材料。

    Use boughs as insulators on the interior floor .

  24. 采用正交设计,利用硅灰、普通硅酸盐水泥、减水剂、砂和抗裂防水剂配制高流动度的地面自流平材料。

    Adopting orthogonal design , we made use of silica fume , Portland cement , water reducer , sand and bloating agent to produce a self - leveling material .

  25. 结合工程实例,介绍了新型耐磨地面施工的材料性能及施工准备工作,从混凝土基层、耐磨层的施工两方面就其施工工艺措施进行了阐述,经分析其技术经济效果相当可观。

    Combined with practical work the material properties and preparation construction work of the new wear-resisting floor are introduced and from two aspects : the construction of concrete base and wear-resisting layer practical construction measures are elaborated . Cost-effectiveness analysis shows good construction effect has been acquired .

  26. 自流平材料是一种用于地面的自找平材料。

    Gravity-now leveling materials are a kind or self-leveling materials used for floors .

  27. 地面高速轮胎复合材料生热专家系统的应用

    Application of Specialist simulating Software System for Speed Tire Composite Heat Build up

  28. 作为地面铺装的主要材料&木地板,该产业也得到了前所未有的巨大进步。

    As the main material of ground pavement , wood floor also gets huge and unprecedented progress .

  29. 因此大部分聚合起来的陨石,额,在博物馆中的,它们将会,它们是铁陨星,或是陨铁石,即便这些星体只占到地面上的陨星材料的5%。

    So most of the meteorites in collections , uh , in museums , they 'll be ... they 're iron meteorites , or the stony iron kind , even though they only make up about 5percents of the meteorite material on the ground .

  30. 分析城区雨水径流水质污染状况及其影响因素,初期雨水径流污染严重,主要受地面条件、屋面材料、气温、降雨量及降雨强度等影响。

    The pollution of urban runoff and some factors which affect the quality of runoff are analyzed . The results show that the pollution of first flush is very serious , and it is mainly affected by roof materials , temperature , the volume and intensity of rainfall etc.