
  • 网络eco-cement;eco cement;ecological cement;Ecology Cement
  1. 城市垃圾废弃物生产生态水泥工艺及实例

    Process and Practical Case of Eco-Cement Manufactured with Urban Wastes

  2. 生态水泥中重金属测定方法研究

    Analysis of the test methods of heavy metal in eco-cement

  3. 发展生态水泥工业的几个问题

    Several Problems about the Development of Ecotypic Cement Industry

  4. 生态水泥&都市水泥工业可持续发展的方向

    Eco-cement & durable development direction of metropolis cement industry

  5. 合成绿色高性能生态水泥

    Synthesis Of Green High Performance Ecological Cement

  6. 发展生态水泥,促进资源利用,保护生态环境

    Developing Eco-Cement to Utilize Resources and Environment

  7. 国外生态水泥工业发展的若干动向

    Development trends of Foreign Ecological Cement Industry

  8. 资源化利用固体废弃物研发生态水泥

    Ecological cement study for solid wastes utilization

  9. 生态水泥的研究进展

    Progress in research on ecological cement

  10. 利用湿法稳定预处理飞灰制备生态水泥进行了产业化示范研究。

    The industrialization model of using pre-treatment fly ash as raw materials to produce eco-cement was investigated .

  11. 生态水泥的研究与进展

    Advance and Research of Eco-cement

  12. 利用城市垃圾焚烧飞灰开发新型生态水泥混合材料

    Research on Developing a Kind of New Blending Material for Eco-cement by Using Municipal Solid Wastes Incineration Fly Ash

  13. 发展生态水泥工业对环境保护和水泥工业的可持续发展均具有重要意义。

    The development of ecotypic cement industry has important significance for the environmental protection and continuable development of cement industry .

  14. 生态水泥是广泛利用各种废弃物,包括各种工业废料、废渣以及城市垃圾作为原燃料制造的水泥。

    Eco-cement is a kind of cement that is made of widely using kinds of municipal wastes including kinds of industrial wastes and urban rubbish .

  15. 本文扼要回顾了生态水泥的概念及特征,对国内外生态水泥的研究进展作了述评。

    In this paper , the concept and characteristics of ecological cement are briefly reviewed and the progress in research on ecological cement both at home and abroad are commented .

  16. 最后指出,生态水泥是我国水泥工业尤其是大都市水泥工业可持续发展的一个重要环节,必须加强对生态水泥的研究和投入。

    At last , it states that eco-cement is an important part of domestic cement industry , especially of urban cement industry sustainable development . It must be strengthened to study eco-cement .

  17. 结果证明,采用水泥窑头窑尾污泥双掺组合生产工艺,用污泥生产生态水泥是可行的。

    The results showed that it was feasible that the ecological cement was produced by the sludge using the production process of mixing the sludge from the kiln head and the kiln end .

  18. 以工业废料、废渣、下水道污泥等废物为原料制造的生态水泥,Pb2+、Zn2+是其中所含的主要微量重金属元素。

    The Pb2 + and Zn2 + were main heavy metals in the cement which was doped with industrial waste residue and sewage sludge . The leaching mechanism and ability of Pb2 + and Zn2 + were tested by simulation of the trough experiment of Germany .

  19. 生态化水泥技术是当今世界水泥工业发展的方向。

    Ecological cement technology is the direction of cement industry development .

  20. 资源和环境与生态化水泥技术

    Resources Conservation and Ecological Cement Technology

  21. 在冻融循环耐久性试验中,其对混凝土强度折减较小,显示20%水淬熔岩混凝土可作为生态环保水泥。

    In the freeze-thaw cycle endurance test , its strength declines slightly . The20 % substitution of cement with water-quenched slag from plasma might be used as eco-cement .

  22. 生态化水泥是指水泥在生产过程中,一方面消纳大量的工业废弃物,另一方面最大限度减少污染物的排放,从而达到保护环境和保护自然资源的目的。

    Ecological cement means to consume large amount of industrial wastes and in the meanwhile to reduce pollutant emissions in a maximum degree during cement production so as to gain environmental protection and nature protection .

  23. 本文较为详细地介绍了水泥生产有害物的排放、利用工业废弃物作水泥生产的原燃料和混合材的状况、生态化水泥的技术难点,进而提出发展生态化水泥技术的建议。

    This paper made detailed description on hazardous emission , industrial wastes utilization as raw materials / fuels and admixture in cement production and technical difficulties for ecological cement . Recommendations thus proposed by the author for ecological cement production .

  24. 对比生态土、水泥土和粘性土连续加载过程中微观结构特征参数演化规律。

    Contrasted the characteristic parameter evolution law of microstructure of Smart Soil under continuous loads with cement soil and clayey soil .

  25. 发展生态环境友好型水泥混凝土材料

    On the Development of Ecological Environmentally Friendly Cement and Concrete Materials

  26. 本文阐述了生态环境与混凝土技术之间的关系,提出生态水泥,再生骨料混凝土,绿化混凝土等概念。

    It expounds the relationship between ecological environment and concrete technology , summarizes the conceptions of ecological cement , regenerated aggregate concrete and ecological concrete .