
  1. 本文用小波的方法得到β及g(t)的估计β∧、g∧(t),并研究了n(β∧-β)稳定地依分布收敛于其准分布函数G。

    In the paper , the estimators of β & g ( t ) are established by wavelet method , and stably convergence to quasi-distribution function G in distribution about n (β∧ - β) is studied .

  2. 我力图尽可能地依理智行事。

    I try to go by reason as far as possible .

  3. 她同我一起走着,身体重重地依在我的臂膀上。

    She walked with me , leaning heavily on my arm .

  4. 他们乖乖地依了他的话,此时此刻他们已经毫无主见。

    They obeyed him because they were passive now .

  5. 而我地依家开始拍些较重要的片段。

    And we 're now just starting to do some of the more major sequences .

  6. 尽管我的主人实在不愿出门,可他还是毫不犹豫地依了她。

    Although my master hated travelling , he did not hesitate to do as she requested .

  7. 但实际生活上咱们却一成不变地依成果取向来付诸行动。

    Yet , in actual life we invariably initiate action with a view to a result .

  8. 比如说,一个正在形成的共识是,滨海的东北地区不能简单地依原样重建。

    There is , for example , an emerging consensus that coastal Tohoku cannot simply be rebuilt as it was .

  9. 克丽斯玎倒是一点也不感到拘束。她谈着话——她才会讲呢。她还直截了当地在依卜的嘴唇上吻了一下。

    Christina , however , was quite at her ease ; she talked and talked , and kissed him in the most friendly manner .

  10. 相信随着全球化的不断深化,双方人民的未来生活将更加紧密地相互依存在一起。

    I believe , with the deepening of globalization , the lives of our peoples will become even more inter-dependent in the coming years .

  11. 画家已经摆脱了最初那种近乎公式程序一样的作画方法,而逐渐地转变为依自己的理想意愿来进行的自由创作。

    And the artist has got rid of the initial formula programs , and gradually converted into creating with their own ideal and wishes .

  12. 一天早上,班纳特先生听了她们对军官的称赞以后冷冷地说:依我看,你们俩肯定是全英国最傻的女孩。

    After listening to their praise of the officers one morning , Mr Bennet said coolly , ' From what I can see , you must be two of the silliest girls in the country .

  13. 我诚心地辩解道,依我的看法,那是一个不真实的世界。因为那只是随便唱高调,然后就说是必须要遵循的法则。

    I argued , in sincerity , that in my opinion that was an unreal world , because it was arbitrarily made by taking an idealized form of behaviour and saying that that was the way to proceed .

  14. 最后,运用模拟得到的结果,尝试性地分析了昆特依凹陷地区的流体势分布特征、裂缝发育情况、昆1断层带的封闭性及昆2井的井壁稳定性。

    Lastly , utilizing the simulation result , the author tries to analyze the distributional characteristics of fluid potential , fracture development , sealing of Kun 1 # fault and the drill wall stability of Kun 2 # well .