
Recently , the application of PGEs and Re Os isotope systems in the study of various geological processes , especially in mantle rocks study , has achieved great success and proven to be a useful geochemical tool .
The partial melting of the upper mantle not only controlled the evolution of mantle rock types ( lherzolite → harzber-gite → dunite ) but also played a critical role for chromite preconcentration .
The resistivity from the middle-lower crust to the upper mantle of lithosphere , near the gravity gradient zone in the Wuling mountain , is very high . It is related to the forming of the gradient zone .
Geochronology of and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic evidence for mantle source in the ancient subduction zone beneath Sanshui basin , Guangdong Province , China
The outer core heats the mantle 's bottom rocks into buoyant putty , which rises toward the crust , as if in a lava lamp .
Coupling between mantle circulation and lithospheric plates ──(ⅰ) thermal free convection in a spherical shell
In another hand , mantle convection process may directly influence the surface deformation movement of the region .
Many kinds of rocks from the upper mantle in Early Mesozoic consist of a suit of tectonic complex .
Among them , the northward indention of India plate and the mantle convection induced dragging force on the bottom of lithosphere play important roles .
The origin of CO_2 Gas Reservoirs can be divided into two kinds : inorganic and organic . The former is generally formed by mantle degassing , chemical reaction of rock and carbonate thermal decomposition .
Secondly , ancient rocks derived from the normal mantle or depleted mantle had initial187Os / 186Os ratios close to or lower than that of the mantle evolution .
This kind of melt-rock interaction makes the uppermost mantle enriched in Si , which might be the key to know the compositional characteristics of continental crust .