
  • 网络Address Binding;MAC;IP-MAC
  1. 在实现基本的协议穿透的基础上,引入了MAC地址绑定、IP地址绑定、VLAN等增强功能。

    Based on the transparent transmission of the protocol , some functions such as MAC address binding , IP address binding and VLAN are also introduced .

  2. 为了确保一个ASP程序只能经过授权在一个Web服务器上运行,提出了一种版权保护的方法.该方法使用了ActiveX组件、微软的ScriptEncoder、网卡MAC地址绑定、字符串加密等多重保护措施。

    In order to ensure that an ASP system will only run on an authorized Web Server , a method using ActiveX component , Script Encoder of Microsoft , MAC address binding of NIC and string encrypting was proposed .

  3. 采取了VLAN、MAC地址绑定和广播风波抑制等安全措施,保证了校园网络的安全性。

    Making use of VLAN , MAC binding , repressing broadcast dispute and so on to guarantee the safety of the campus network .

  4. 采用了多级许可控制方案、验证码技术、IP地址绑定技术以及MD5加密方式,使系统安全可靠。

    This paper also introduced the security measures that used in this system such as multiple level admission control scheme , verify code , IP address bounding and MD5 encrypt method .

  5. 给出了用于TCP服务器端网络程序的一般设计步骤:初始化WinSockDLL,创建安全套接字,地址绑定,创建一个监听队列。

    The genral process of designing network programming on TCP server include : initializing Winsock DLL , creating a socket , binding a socket on address , creating a listen queue .

  6. MAC-IP地址绑定的一种软件实现方法

    A Software Implementation for MAC-IP Address Binding

  7. 在该无线接入控制点实现一种基于802.1x协议的EAP-MD5认证方式,通过IP地址绑定MAC地址的方式作为认证系统对端口控制的实现。

    A wireless access control server is constructed . It realizes the EAP-MD5 authentication way based on the 802.Ix protocol , it uses the way of ip address binding mac address to realize the way of controlling the ports .

  8. 以双网卡地址绑定技术提高服务器性能和可用性

    Improving the Server Performance and Usability with the Technology of Double NIC Address Bonding

  9. 创建与每个州名的电子邮件地址绑定的散列,将在主程序循环中检查该散列。

    Create a hash keyed on e-mail address for each state name , to be checked in the main program loop .

  10. 本文介绍了多网卡地址绑定技术,给出了基于该技术的提高服务器性能和可用性的方案与实施过程。

    This paper introduces the SOA theory and the framework of J2EE based on the realization of SOA distributed server performance monitor system .

  11. 然后详细介绍了防火墙系统中主要功能模块的设计与实现,包括身份认证模块、应用代理模块、IP&MAC地址绑定模块以及其它系统相关的模块。

    Afterwards , we explain the design and implementation of the main function modules , including identity authentication module , application proxy module , IP-MAC binding module and other modules related with the system .

  12. 通过对IP与MAC地址的绑定和对ICMP重定向报文的处理,有效地对ARP欺骗进行防范。

    ARP spoofing is defended effectively by binding IP and MAC or processing the ICMP redirect messages .

  13. 从这个输入绑定句柄获取RPC地址和绑定数据结构的其他字段值,比如协议版本、超时等,把它们复制到另一个句柄表示中。

    The RPC address and other binding data structure 's field values like the protocol version , timeout are all retrieved from this input binding handle and copied into another handle representation .

  14. 通过深入研究ARP协议,以ARP欺骗方式实现了主机MAC和IP地址的绑定,并设计了一个可以跨越多个子网进行管理的MACIP地址绑定软件解决方案。

    By studying the ARP protocol in depth , this paper implements a software solution for MACIP address binding based on ARP spoof , which can manage hosts from more than one subnet .

  15. 它由协议,地址以及绑定部分组成。

    It consists of contract , address , and binding parts .

  16. 这个类可以通过服务注册中心提供的接口,端点地址和绑定信息创建一个服务代理。

    This class allows creating a service proxy based on the interface and endpoint address and binding , which are built using information provided by the registry service .

  17. 这不仅可以让我们改变端点地址和绑定类型(很多注册中心的实现都有这些功能)外,也可以通过统一集中的注册中心对绑定参数进行细微调整。

    This allows not only to change endpoint addresses and binding types ( features found in many registry implementations ), but also to tweak binding parameters using a centralized registry .

  18. 通过静态的ARP地址表的绑定和交换机端口MAC地址绑定相结合,可以解决IP地址盗用的问题。

    By means of the static form of ARP address bound to exchange port MAC address in order to solve the problem .

  19. 系统具有领先于市场上同类产品的创新之处:主从数据库的热备份和用虚拟地址池实现绑定客户端IP的功能。

    The system has the creative point that leads the internet market , hot database backup between master and slave and binding with customer IP , is described in the article .

  20. 它结合了网络设备的管理功能和路由隔离中的静态路由技术,通过MAC地址的端口绑定和IP-MAC地址绑定实现了对IP地址盗用的有效管理,很好解决了这一困扰网络管理员的管理问题。

    Combining some of the network equipments ' management functions and the static routing technology , this system uses the MAC-port attachment and IP-MAC attachment to realize the effective management of IP address embezzlement . Thus the problem puzzling the management for a long time is well solved .

  21. 服务端点地址的后期绑定降低了位置耦合。

    The late binding of the service endpoint address lowers the location coupling .

  22. 调用这些服务需要知道位置(即服务端点的地址)和绑定(到达端点的传输机制)信息。

    Invoking these services requires knowledge of their location ( i.e. , the service endpoint address ) and binding ( transport mechanisms for reaching this endpoint ) .

  23. 在此情况下,服务定义在使用者开发期间可用,注册中心的使用仅限于服务端点地址和动态绑定的运行时解析。

    In this case services definitions are available during consumer development time , and registry usage is limited to the run time resolution of the services endpoint addresses and dynamic binding .

  24. 动态发现服务使得不需要在特定的地址将使用者绑定到特定的提供者,但是运行时发现本身也带来了一些问题。

    Dynamic discovery of services freed the consumer from being bound to a particular provider at a particular address , but the opportunity for run time discovery created its own problems .

  25. 在TIMEWAIT状态退出之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定而不出问题。

    After the TIME_WAIT state has exited , the socket is removed , and the address can be rebound without issue .

  26. MAC地址与IP地址绑定在电子政务系统中的运用

    Binding of MAC Address and IP Address which Apply to E-government System

  27. MAC地址与IP地址绑定策略的破解

    Unbind the tactical of MAC address and IP address binding

  28. IP地址与MAC地址绑定方法的研究

    Study of IP Address and MCA Address Binding Method

  29. tcpusrreq()中的切换实例调用inpcbbind(),后者将本地地址和端口号绑定到套接字。

    The switch case in tcp_usrreq () calls in_pcbbind (), which binds the local address and the port number to the socket .

  30. 移动IPv6安全问题的关键是伪造的家乡地址和转交地址绑定可能导致会话劫持和拒绝服务攻击。

    The key issue of mobile IPv6 security is as follows : false binding of home address and care-of address poses a potential for session hijacking and denial of service attacks .