
  • 网络Mediterranean basin
  1. 地中海盆地的油橄榄

    Olive economy in the Mediterranean Basin

  2. 罗马的世界霸权的刨子,刨削地中海盆地的所有地区已经有数百年之久。

    Rome had driven the leveling plane of its world rule over all the countries of the Mediterranean basin , and that for centuries .

  3. 伊比利亚半岛上的地中海盆地岩画

    Rock-Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula

  4. 歌海娜经常与西拉和慕维德(Mourvedre)混酿,它也生长于澳大利亚、加利福尼亚洲、西班牙和整个地中海盆地。

    Often blended with Syrah and Mourv dre , you will also find Grenache in Australia , California , Spain , and throughout the Mediterranean basin .

  5. 罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区在欧盟各地区中处于领先地位,它以开放的心态面朝欧洲大陆和地中海盆地。

    Enjoying a leading position among all areas in the European Union , Rh ? ne-Alpes looks to the European continent and the Mediterranean Basin with an open mind .

  6. 西地中海的弧后盆地

    The back-arc basins in the western Mediterranean

  7. 地中海贫血在亚洲、地中海盆地和中东最为常见。

    Thalassaemias are the most common in Asia , the Mediterranean basin , and the Middle East .