
dì xià hú
  • underground lake
  1. 这是迄今为止所发现的最大地下湖。

    This is the biggest underground lake yet discovered .

  2. 当工人们在修建一个穿过山的隧道时,他们发现了一个地下湖。

    While building a tunnel through the mountain , the workers discovered an underground lake .

  3. 他们说井里的水源自于一个地下湖那是个有魔力的湖泊

    They say that the water from the well is fed by an underground lake , and that lake has magical properties .

  4. 有一次,他认为他看见了一团火在小路的尽头就转过去看看是否是一条龙,但是太迟了。他们向更深处驶来,超过了一座地下湖,那里巨大的钟乳石和石笋从天花板上地底下冒出来。

    Once , he thought he saw a burst of fire at the end of a passage and twisted around to see if it was a dragon , but too late - they plunged even deeper , passing an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and floor .

  5. 他们很幸运地找到一处地下淡水湖,但是获取食物就困难了。

    They 'd been fortunate to find an underground freshwater lake , but food was more difficult .

  6. 特别是,考虑了湖泊-流域系统的特点,例如,多条入湖河流、直接入湖的坡面水流和地下入湖径流等,使模型比现有水文模型更适合于湖泊集水域径流系统的模拟。

    In particular , characteristics of the lake-catchment system are considered in the model so that the model is more flexible to be applicable to lake catchments than other existing models .

  7. 因为岩石大多是石灰岩,所以贵州有许多地下河,甚至巨大的地下湖。

    Because the rock structure is largely limestone , there are many underground rivers and even vast underground lakes in Guizhou .

  8. 由于青海湖水不存在经由地表和地下外泄通道,其水体的净变化值仅与汇水盆地的地表和地下入湖径流量、湖面降水量和蒸发量有关。

    For there is no surface and underground water outflow , the lake water changing only bears on the inflowing surface and underground runoff , rainfall and evaporation of lake surface .