
  • 网络groundwater chemical;groundwater hydrochemical property
  1. 污染河水对地下水化学环境的影响

    The Impact of Polluted River Upon Groundwater Chemical Environment

  2. 基于灰色关联度的地下水化学成分分析

    Analysis on Groundwater Chemical Composition Based on Gray Relation

  3. 日本神户地震地下水化学前兆变化

    Precursory chemical changes in ground water : Kobe earthquake , Japan

  4. 地下水化学异常信息迁移的水动力学模型实验研究

    Experimental study on hydrodynamic model on seismic hydrochemical anomaly migration

  5. 河北曲周盐渍土区的地下水化学特征

    Chemical characteristics of groundwater in salt-affected soil area in quzhou , Hebei

  6. 无锡地下水化学特征及其污染现状与评价

    Chemical characteristics and pollution of the groundwater in Wuxi City

  7. 南宁市地下水化学场分区特征及其主要影响因素

    Classified Zone Character of Hydrogeochemical Field and Major Influencing Facters in Nanning

  8. 用地下水化学动力学方法计算出的水文地质参数来定量评价水文地质条件&以太原三给地垒及周围地区为例

    Hydrogeological conditions evaluation using parameters from chemical kinetic of groundwater

  9. 山东泰安岩溶水系统地下水化学环境演化

    Hydrochemical environmental evolution of karst water system in tai'an , shandong Province

  10. 喀斯特森林群落退化对浅层岩溶地下水化学的影响

    Effects of Forest Community Degradation on Water Chemical of Karst Shallow Groundwater

  11. 长江河口地区第四系地下水化学演化机制

    Mechanism of Chemical Evolution for Quaternary Groundwater in Yangtze River Estuarine Region

  12. 长安南部地区地下水化学特征与污染防治

    Chemical characteristic and pollution prevention of groundwater in south of Chang ′ an

  13. 新疆于田绿洲地下水化学性质的数理统计分析

    Regression Analysis of the Chemical Characteristics of Groundwater in Yutian Oasis , Xinjiang

  14. 岩溶地下水化学组分随降水周期变化的规律性&以桂林、柳州地区为例

    The varying regularity of major chemical compositions of karst water with precipitation cycle

  15. 地下水化学动力学方法运用中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems on Applying Ground-water Chemical Dynamics

  16. 石家庄平原地下水化学演化的质量平衡模拟

    Mass balance modeling of the evolution of groundwater chemistry in the Shijiazhuang plain

  17. 准噶尔盆地西北缘地下水化学分布特征

    Distribution features of groundwater mineralization parameters at NW margin of the Junggar Basin

  18. 阐明了研究区水文地质条件及地下水化学特征;

    The hydro-geological conditions and groundwater chemical characteristics are presented in the paper .

  19. 珲春盆地地下水化学特征与环境质量评价

    Chemical properties of underground water in Hunchun basin and evaluation on its environmental quality

  20. 全新世海侵对杭州浅层地下水化学成份的影响

    Sea-water intrusion in Holocene effect on the chemical composition of shallow groundwater in Hangzhou

  21. 海原盆地地下水化学同位素特征初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis on Features of Chemistry and Isotope for the Groundwater in Haiyuan Basin

  22. 综述了受污染土壤及地下水化学与生物修复技术研究的最新进展。

    Advances in research on remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater are reviewed with references .

  23. 银川地区地下水化学特征

    The groundwater chemistry characteristics of Yinchuan Region

  24. 秦岭隧道地下水化学异常对衬砌混凝土的腐蚀及防治对策研究

    Evaluation and prevention of concrete erosion caused by chemical abnormity of groundwater in Qinling tunnel

  25. 北京市郊区地下水化学特征及总硬度数值模拟

    The Characteristics of Groundwater Chemical and Numerical Simulation of Total Hardness in the Suburb of Beijing

  26. 地下水化学组分聚类分析在河南密县水资源评价中的应用

    The application of groundwater chemical constituent cluster analysis method for groundwater resources evaluation in Mixian County

  27. 地下水化学动力学法在大庆前进水源地求参中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Groundwater Chemical Dynamics in the Parameter Determination in Qianjin Source Field

  28. 地下水化学特征组分识别的粒子群支持向量机方法

    The particle swarm optimization support vectors machine method of identifying standard components of ions of groundwater

  29. 在不同地质条件下污染河水对其附近流域地下水化学环境的影响

    Effect of polluted river water under different geological conditions on groundwater chemical environment of its near Basin

  30. 本文研究了在这种复杂条件下地下水化学成分变化成因模型。

    A model of groundwater chemical composition genesis in such complicated conditions is presented in this paper .