
  • 网络Guelph;Guelph University;the University of Guelph
  1. 安大略省圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuelph)教授西尔万·沙勒布瓦(SylvainCharlebois)表示,与2000年代初期的情况相比,目前加元汇率暴跌的形势可能会给超市带来更为显著的影响。沙勒布瓦跟其他人合著了一份关于加拿大食品价格的年度研究报告。

    The current collapse of the country 's dollar could have a more significant impact in supermarkets than it did in the early 2000s , according to Sylvain Charlebois , a professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario and one of the authors of an annual study of Canadian food prices .

  2. 1991年,曾在圭尔夫大学就读的学生格温雅各布就赢得了在公众场合袒胸权利的官司。

    In 1991 , former University of Guelph student Gwen Jacob won a legal battle for the right to appear in public topless .

  3. 加拿大安大略省圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuelph)的研究发现,三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸反应会产生影响肾脏功能的结晶。

    University of Guelph study found that melamine and cyanuric acid could produce crystallization which can damage kidney function .

  4. 印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)、金赛研究所(KinseyInstitute)和圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuelph)2011年一项研究发现的性别差距要小得多:男性为23%,女性为19%。

    A 2011 study conducted by Indiana University , the Kinsey Institute and the University of Guelph found much less of a divide : 23 % for men and 19 % for women .