
  • Templar;Knights Templar
  1. 为什么圣殿骑士要偷他们自己的宝藏?

    Why would a Knight Templar try to steal their own treasure ?

  2. 圣殿骑士的财宝,可是财宝中的财宝啊。

    The treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures .

  3. 圣殿骑士据点能够招募圣殿骑士。

    The Templars'Order House allows the recruitment of veteran Templar knights .

  4. 神圣的能量自圣殿骑士的体内发出,降低敌人的能力!

    A holy energy emitted from the tamplar , weackening his foes .

  5. 圣殿骑士在13世纪时就在这个地方。

    The Knights Templar were here in13th century .

  6. 在伦敦,只有一个地方埋葬圣殿骑士。

    And there 's just one piace to bury a tempiar knight in london .

  7. 我要知道你对于圣殿骑士宝藏的了解。

    I want to know what you know about the treasure of the Knights templar .

  8. 圣殿骑士是武装护卫朝圣者前往圣地朝圣的精锐军队。

    Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands .

  9. 你在成为圣殿骑士之前一定也是位修士对吗?

    Leliana : You must have been a brother before you became a templar , no ?

  10. 传奇与真实&圣殿骑士启示录

    Legend of The Knights Templar

  11. “圣殿骑士之盾”现在同样减少受到的所有伤害1/2/3%。

    Shield of the Templar now also reduces all damage taken by1 / 2 / 3 % .

  12. 他们把财宝带回了欧洲,并自称为“圣殿骑士”

    They brought the treasure back to Europe and took the name " the Knights templar . "

  13. 毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。

    The Templars'Order House is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom .

  14. 十字军运动的衰落特别是1291年阿克的陷落,使得圣殿骑士团在基督教世界中陷入了严重的危机之中。

    The decline of Crusade and the fall of Acre in 1291 , make templars brought to a serious crisis .

  15. 帕金斯击了一下球,接着把自己在圣殿骑士教堂找到那个旧口哨的事儿告诉了上校。

    Parkins hit his ball , and then told the Colonel about finding the old whistle in the Templar church .

  16. 我其实从不能说是位真正的圣殿骑士。我在完训之前就被徵召到灰袍守护者里。

    I never actually became a templar . I was recruited into the Grey Wardens before I took my final vows .

  17. 圣殿骑士团,是作战勇猛手段强硬的骑士团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

    The Knights Templar , a fearsome and uncompromising order , were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims .

  18. 圣殿骑士团受审的原因是复杂而多样的,法王菲利普四世在这场审判的发起中起到了关键性的作用。

    The reasons of the trial of the templars are complex and various , Philip IV is the key man of the trial .

  19. 这场发起于1307年的审判,对圣殿骑士团所造成的打击是毁灭性的,也是14世纪最重要的历史事件之一。

    The trial being from 1307 is destructive to the templars , and it is one of the most important events in 14th century .

  20. 圣殿骑士团是武装护卫欧洲朝圣者前往圣地的骑士团体。

    The Knights Templar are an order of warrior monks that were formed to ensure the safe passage of European Christians to the Holy Lands .

  21. 圣殿骑士团在西方积累的巨额财富、特别是其200年以来发展起来的庞大的金融信贷体系,使得其容易成为封建君主打击的对象。

    The enormous wealth which Templars accumulate in the west , especially the huge system of banking and credit , make they vulnerable to be attacked by feudal ruler .

  22. 圣光之手的改变,附加在十字军打击,神圣风暴和圣殿骑士的裁决上的神圣伤害,已知。

    Hand of Light ( Mastery ): A percentage of the damage done by Templar 's Verdict , Crusader Strike , and Divine Storm is done as additional Holy damage .

  23. 哎呀,先生,用那样一个东西,我会很小心的,上校说,谁知道那些圣殿骑士用它干过什么呢?那都是些危险的人物。

    ' Well , sir , I 'd be very careful about using a thing like that , 'said the Colonel . 'Who knows what the Templars used it for ? Dangerous lot of people , they were . '