
  1. 姐妹俩正在瞧一本宗教画册时,恰好瞧到一幅圣母玛利亚和圣婴耶稣的图画。

    Two sisters were looking at a book of religious pictures and came across a painting of the Virgin and the baby Jesus .

  2. 那三位麦琪,读者都知道,全是有智慧的人非常有智慧的人他们带来的礼物,送给生在马槽里的圣婴耶稣。

    The magi , as yo know , were wise men wonderfully wise men who brought gofts to the Babe in the manger .

  3. 邪恶君主要杀死圣婴耶稣,因为他担心圣婴会构成威胁。

    All that stuff about the evil king wanting to kill the baby Jesus because he 's afraid that it 'll be a threat to him .

  4. 其中一幅是著名画作《岩间圣母》的又一版本,画中的人物有圣婴耶稣和圣婴施洗约翰。

    One is an alternative version of Da Vinci 's famous painting known as Virgin of the Rocks , with the infant Jesus and the infant John the Baptist .

  5. 圣婴耶稣在如此卑微的物质环境下降生,打破了世人偏执的想法,启示人们「物质的财富并不能决定灵性的高低」。

    That a divine child should be born in such humble material surroundings event , inspiring people everywhere to consider the idea that material wealth does not determine spiritual worth .

  6. 这两个小家伙手挽着手,吻着玫瑰花,望着上帝的光耀的太阳,对它讲话,好像圣婴耶稣就在那儿似的。

    And the children held each other by the hand , kissed the roses , looked up at the clear sunshine , and spoke as though they really saw angels there .

  7. 这些故事所说的圣婴耶稣的活跃性并不是那么可憎,有细节还说即使一个婴儿或者是童年的耶稣都是在他的父亲的神圣意志下才会出来这样做。

    The stories created about the activities of the child Jesus were not all gruesome , and detail that even as a baby or child Jesus set out to do the Divine Will of his Father .

  8. 圣婴耶稣,想到云里去玩,在一束阳光光束下爬到天空里,但跟随他的所有玩伴都失去了他们的信仰,陷入死亡里。

    The child jesus , wanting to play in the clouds , crawled into the sky on a sunbeam , but all of the playmates who followed him soon lost their faith and fell to their deaths .

  9. 但希律说,你们找到了那小孩就来报信,因为我也想去拜他,这个邪恶君主当然不想去拜耶稣,他想杀掉圣婴耶稣。

    But he says , come back and tell me once you visit him because I want to go worship him too , and the wicked evil king does not want to go worship Jesus , the baby Jesus , he wants to kill the baby Jesus .

  10. 其中宗教内容在他的创作中占据了非常重要的地位,钢琴作品《对圣婴&耶稣的二十凝视》便是他早期最为重要的宗教性作品之一。

    In his creation , the religious works hold a important status .