
  • 网络Environmental Quality Standard For Soil
  1. GB15618-1995土壤环境质量标准

    Environmental quality standard for soils

  2. 结果表明,三个基地中元素Cd和Hg的含量均未超过国家颁布的《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)中二类土壤标准。

    The results showed that both the contents of these two elements in three base soil did not exceed the second-class soil standard of 《 Environmental quality standard for soils 》( GB 156181995 ) issued by the State .

  3. Cd元素超过国家土壤环境质量标准5.8倍,Cd是制约当地农业用地的限制性元素。

    Cd content in mining area soil exceeded 5.8 times of national soil environmental quality standard and Cd became a limiting factor for the local land use in agriculture .

  4. kg-1、Cr67.81mg.kg-1,均没有超过国家土壤环境质量标准(二级)。

    And Cr , 67.81 mg · kg-1 , respectively , revealing that all data are in line with national soil environment quality standard ( level 2 ) .

  5. N+有机肥处理的Zn含量超过土壤环境质量标准2级(pH6.5~7.5)的限界,Hg含量增加幅度较大,比试验基础值增加了114%。

    The Zn content of the soil with N + organic fertilizer processed , which exceeds the limit of the Soil Environmental Quality Standard II , Hg content increased massively , 114 % increased than the testing foundational value .

  6. 本文依据国内外土壤环境质量标准的研究现状,在提出土壤环境标准制定依据和原则的基础上,对Hg、Cd、Pb和As的土壤环境质量标准进行了研究。

    According to the current situation of researches on soil-environmental quality standards at home and abroad , and on the basis of foundations and principles proposed for enacting soil-environmental standards , soil-environmental quality standards of Hg , Cd , Pb and As were explored .

  7. 此外土壤环境质量标准GB15618-1995中只按照DDT和六六六残留量进行土壤等级划分,而对于其他种农药未有涉及。

    In addition , it ranked only according to the residue of DDT and BHC in the Environmental quality standard for soils GB 15618-1995 , but other pesticides never been referred .

  8. 根据GB15618-1995土壤环境质量标准对检测结果进行了单因子和多因子分级与评价。

    According to the soil environment quality standard ( GB15618-1995 ), the classification and the assessment of the single factor and multi factor were done to the detect result .

  9. 以《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)中土壤自然背景值标准为对照进行评价,全区各采样点的各项污染因子存在不同程度的超标现象,以铬和汞较为严重。

    Comparing with the soil natural background value standard of " Soil environmental quality standard " ( GB 15618-1995 ), it is appraised that every pollution factor of each sampling point of whole district exceeds standard in varying degrees . In which chromium and mercury is relatively serious .

  10. 铅、镉含量较2003年略有减少,汞略有增加,但均低于国家土壤环境质量标准。3、五莲山区水样氯离子含量略有降低,平均为14.3mg/kg,比2003年降低了0.4mg/kg。

    Lead and cadmium content decreased slightly compared with 2003 , a slight increase in mercury , but lower than the national soil environmental quality standards . 3 Wulian mountain chloride content in water samples decreased slightly , with an average 14.3mg / kg , lower than in 2003 0.4mg/kg .

  11. 上海地区绿色食品蔬菜的土壤环境质量标准

    Soil environmental quality standards for producing green food vegetables in Shanghai region

  12. 土壤环境质量标准编制进展

    Advances of the Stimulation of Environmental Quality Standards in Soils

  13. 日本土壤环境质量标准与污染现状

    Environmental quality standards for soil and state of soil pollution in Japan

  14. 农田土壤环境质量标准值制定与健康风险评估

    Health risk assessment and establishment of environmental quality standard for farmland soil

  15. 我国《土壤环境质量标准》现存问题与建议

    Existing problems of soil environment quality standard in China and its proposals

  16. 我国土壤环境质量标准之探讨

    Discussion About Soil Environmental Quality Standard in China

  17. 浙江省无污染农产品产地土壤环境质量标准研究

    The earth environment quality standard for the unpolluted farm products area of Zhejiang Province

  18. 日本土壤环境质量标准的制定

    Formulation of Soil Environmental Quality Standard in Japan

  19. 土壤环境质量标准的制定原则与方法

    Soil environmental quality standards : principle and method

  20. 指出了中国现行土壤环境质量标准存在的问题。

    Existing problem of environmental quality standard for contaminated soil in China was elucidated .

  21. 我国无污染农产品重(类)金属元素土壤环境质量标准的制定与研究进展

    Development of Soil Environmental Quality Standards of Heavy Metal for Non-polluted Agricultural Products in China

  22. 结合土壤环境质量标准,由此确定可将发酵后废渣尝试作为农用复合肥料使用。

    According to the quality standard of soil environment , the waste residue fermented can be used as composite fertilizer .

  23. 在接近土壤环境质量标准低浓度设计范围内,灯心草三种保护酶有逐渐被激活的趋势,表现出一定的协调性共同抵制重金属的毒害。

    It presented that three defensive enzymes have strong automatic regulation ability to protect cell membrane from destroy within lower concentration scale of Environmental Quality Standard for Soil .

  24. 结果表明各航道底泥中重金属除铅以外,含量均超过《土壤环境质量标准》中的二级标准,其中镉的污染最为严重。

    The result showed the heavy metal content in bed mud was over Soil Environmental Quality Standard Two except Pb , in which Cd pollution was the most significant .

  25. 本区最优的评价方法是污染程度评价(土壤环境质量标准和当地土壤背景值为评价标准)和潜在生态风险评价法的结合应用。

    The best evaluation methods in the region are Contamination Degree , which the valuation standard is soil environmental standard and the background , and Potential Ecological Risk Index .

  26. 根据《土壤环境质量标准》(修订草案)工业用地标准评价风化煤对土壤多环芳烃的影响。结果显示:各处理土壤多环芳烃含量均未超过标准值。

    The soil environmental quality standards ( revised draft ) industrial land standard evaluates the influence of weathered coal PAHs on soil and the results showed : the treatment soil PAHs are not more than standard content .

  27. 概述了国内外土壤环境质量标准的制订方法&地球化学法、生态环境效应法和有效态毒性临界值法,指出了各种方法的优点和不足。

    This paper summarized the main methods for formulating soil environmental quality standard ( SEQS ), which included geochemical method , eco-environmental effect method and poisonous critical value method of available heavy metal , of which the advantage and shortage were also discussed .

  28. 超过二级土壤环境质量标准的样品达36.20%,最大超标倍数为60.2,平均超标倍数为3.61,受到轻度以上污染的农田面积比率达69.7%;

    In these samples , 36.20 % of them are beyond the standards , with the maximum being is 60.2 times and an average 3.61 time of the standard value , which makes the lightly and above contaminated area be 69.7 % of the total area .

  29. 以2001年实施的国家无公害蔬菜产地土壤环境质量标准为依据,对1999年和2000年长春市申报的城区3600hm~2蔬菜产地的土壤环境质量进行了检测与评价。

    Based on the environmental quality standard of free-pollution vegetable producing area , which was carried out in 2001 , soil environmental quality in 3 600 hm2 vegetable producing area was declared in 1999 and 2000 . The conclusion indicates that these areas ' environmental quality is good .

  30. 土壤环境质量评价标准选取的探讨

    On selection of evaluation criteria of soil environment quality