
  1. 选取从1998年第3季度至2011年第2季度的存贷款利率I、土地交易价格指数LPL、房屋销售价格指数LPH数据作为实证检验的样本数据。

    We choose the interest rates I , the housing price indices ( LPH ) and the land exchange price indices ( LPL ) from the third quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2011 as the sample data .

  2. 征地补偿标准明显过低,不能体现土地交易价格等因素。

    Land requisition compensation standard unable to reflect the land market price .

  3. 利用上海市土地交易价格资料,尝试测度了土地要素投入对上海市经济增长的贡献。

    The paper measures contribution rate of land to economic growth by using land exchange price data in shanghai .

  4. 并借鉴地价泡沫的研究方法,对武汉市城市土地交易价格虚构度进行分析;

    It analyzes the fluctuation range of land price in Wuhan through the way research on foam of land price and the cause of exceptional land price .

  5. 计算实例表明,基于案例推理系统是有效的,可以作为土地交易价格估算的参考依据。

    The calculation example of CBR in land business demonstrates that the CBR model is effective ; it can be used as the reference for the decision-making on estimating the price in land business .

  6. 然后通过均衡状态的分析评估拍卖博弈模型中的参数或者不同拍卖制度对土地实际交易价格的影响。

    Then by balanced status , we can estimate the influence of real trade price brought by different parameters and mechanism in auction gambling model .

  7. 政府管制如土地交易最低价格管制、土地供给数量管制、收益分配制度以及市场准入管制等能够弥补集体建设用地流转市场失效,引导资源合理配置。

    Government regulation , such as market access control , the lowest price control of land transaction , land quantitative supply control , and income distribution system , which can remedy market failure of the collective construction land transfer , and guide rational resource allocation .

  8. 而对于一小块土地投标的交易价格停止在94000美元。

    Bidding on the smaller parcel stopped at the bargain price of $ 94000 .

  9. 城乡结合部土地交易活跃,土地价格类型多样,但是由于管理比较薄弱,土地市场中问题比较突出。

    However , the problems of land market are compared obviously since land management is weak .

  10. 在城市化和工业化迅速推进的过程中,城乡结合部的土地交易频繁,土地价格类型多样,土地利用变化剧烈。

    During the course of urbanization and industrialization rapidly pushing on , the land transaction is frequently , the land price type is diversified , and the change of land uses is acute in urban fringe .