
  • 网络international trade issue;Journal of International Trade;International Trade problems
  1. 在南北谈判中的国际贸易问题

    International Trade Problems as Reflected at the North-South Talks

  2. 介绍了中国焦炭进出口的历史与现状,焦炭的进出口影响中国能源安全,和社会稳定,并引发不平等国际贸易问题。

    History and status of China coke import and export were introduced . Import and export coke will affect the energy safety and society stable of China , caused unequal international trade problems .

  3. 在气候问题日益严峻的今天,有相当一部分与气候变化相关的国际贸易问题是同时受到应对气候变化措施与WTO规则制约的。

    Nowadays , there are quite a number of climate-change-related-international-trades are restricted by both climate change rules and the WTO rules .

  4. 论转基因农产品的国际贸易问题

    Thesis on international trade issues of GM farm products

  5. 国际贸易问题:美国将要在贸易问题上进行一些解释。

    International trade : The U.S. will have some explaining to do on trade .

  6. 环境措施与国际贸易问题小组

    Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade

  7. 熟悉国际贸易问题。

    Familiarity with international trade issues .

  8. 因此,积极研究碳关税与国际贸易问题,并迅速采取有效应对措施是我国亟需进行的课题。

    Therefore , active study of Carbon Tariffs and taking effective measures rapidly are urgent in China .

  9. 在这些应对气候变化的措施中有相当一部分包含与国际贸易问题相关的条款。

    In all these climate change rules , there are many terms which are related to international trade .

  10. 论网络贸易条件下我国的国际贸易问题云南与东盟贸易现状分析

    Analysis of China ' International Trade On the Condition of E - trade Bilateral Trade Condition between Yunnan and ASEAN

  11. 知识产权产品的平行进口是一个与知识产权有关的国际贸易问题,它涉及到知识产权的保护、国际货物贸易、反不正当竞争等一系列问题。

    The Parallel Import of Intellectual Property is a matter of international trade , which is related to the intellectual property rights .

  12. 近年来,人们对产业内国际贸易问题进行了广泛的研究,但多数只局限于完全信息的情况。

    The problem of Intra-Industry International Trade has already been studied broadly of late , but has been limited on the complete information .

  13. 国际贸易问题是建立新的国际经济秩序的重要内容,也是南北对话的议题。

    International trade is a vital factor in the establishment of a new international economic order as well as a subject of discussion at the North-South Talks .

  14. 因此,它对于中国了解和解决知识产权中的当代国际贸易问题和国际技术贸易的正常发展是有益的。

    Therefore , it is helpful for the formal development of international technical trade in China to understand and problems in contemporary international trade of property rights of knowledge .

  15. 该表因其将中间投入部分区分为国内投入与进口投入而在国际贸易问题研究中得到广泛应用。

    This kind of input-output table is widely used in international trade study because the intermediate input part of this kind table is divided into domestic input and imported input .

  16. 现代分析方法就是大量运用数学原理对国际贸易问题进行定量分析,从而更准确地描述经济运行轨迹。

    The modern analytical method is to make extensive use of mathematical theory to make quantitative analysis of international trade issues , so as to more accurately describe the trajectory of economic operation .

  17. 动态比较优势理论从经济增长的角度研究国际贸易问题,认为要素比例和技术的变动会使比较优势及其贸易利益发生移动。

    The dynamic theory of comparative advantage study international trade from the degree of economic growth , the change of technology and factor should induce the transfer of comparative advantage and interest of trade .

  18. 在新经济地理相关理论假设和产品差异化可度量的假设下,利用调整后的效用函数推导得出一个非线性的引力模型,从而构建了一个更加适用于分析东亚国际贸易问题的研究框架。

    Under the basic assumption of new economic geography and measurable differentiation , infer to a nonlinear gravity equation at the base of an adjusted untility function , which is believed to be more appropriate to East Asian analysis .

  19. 渔业作为我国大农业中的优势产业,却是社会的弱势产业和风险产业,渔业国际贸易问题一直是具有重要研究价值的课题。

    The fishery , as superiority industry in modernized agriculture of our country , is actually weak and risk industry from the view of society . So the international trade of fishery has been an very important and valuable research topic .

  20. 平行进口作为一个与知识产权有关的国际贸易问题,在商标权、专利权、版权领域中广泛存在且日益突出,已经引起各国政府的关注,其理论研究也取得长足进展。

    Parallel imports is an international trade problem related to intellectual property . It widely exists in three fields , trademark , patent and copyright . The problem has caused the attention of many governments and its theoretic research has been greatly improved .

  21. 在多边贸易体制中如何实现环境保护与贸易自由的协调发展,这是一个国际贸易新问题,GATT规则及其争端解决实践对此问题基本上持回避、谨慎的态度。

    Under multilateral trade system , how to harmonize the relationship between environmental protection and trade liberalization is a new issue in international trade . GATT rules and its dispute settlement practices usually runaround the issue .

  22. 关于我国禽肉类产品国际贸易壁垒问题的研究

    The Research on the International Trade Barriers to China Poultry Products

  23. 中国中小企业国际贸易融资问题研究

    Research on the SMEs ' International Trade Financing in China

  24. 国际贸易欺诈问题之初探

    First Reach on Problems of International Trade Fraud

  25. 国际贸易环境问题的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis for Environment Problem in International Trade

  26. 与上述发展态势伴生的是生物安全与国际贸易争端问题。

    Following the above development state , organism safety and international trade disputes comes into being .

  27. 劳工标准与国际贸易的关系问题在WTO成立后的各届部长级会议上都引起了成员国间激烈的争论。

    The issue of international trade and core labour standards has inspired so intense debate among the World Trade Organization member countries at the WTO Ministerial Conferences .

  28. 本文从国际贸易中环境问题的南北差异和冲突的角度进行研究,试图寻求解决此问题的最佳途径,并探讨了WTO在协调国际贸易中环境问题中南北冲突的作用。

    This paper studies the environment problem in international trade from the point of discrepancy and conflict between the South and the North and tries to seek the best approach to solve this problem . The role of WTO to harmonize the South-North conflict is also probed .

  29. 基于以上分析提出了解决国际贸易中环境问题的南北矛盾的可能途径和国际协调的最佳方案,分析了WTO在解决该问题中的实践和存在的问题以及今后努力的方向。

    Based on above discussions , this paper puts forward possible approaches to solve South-North conflict on environment in international trade , brings forward the optimal scenario of international coordination , probes the role of WTO in dealing with such problems , its weakness and perspective are also discussed .

  30. 国际贸易惯例若干问题研究

    A Study on Some Problems Concerning the International Trade Customs