
  • 网络international data corporation;international data corp;IDG;IDC China
  1. 尽管目前小米在华销量排名不及苹果,但国际数据公司的分析师MelissaChau说,小米很快有望跻身前五。

    Though Xiaomi sits below Apple in China for now , IDC analyst Melissa Chau said the company is poised to get into the top five soon .

  2. 国际数据公司(IDC)驻新加坡分析师BryanMa说,从理论上讲,该方案有助于提高电脑发货量,但不太可能给市场带来转机。

    The program'theoretically could help bolster shipments , 'but isn 't likely to create a major inflection point in the market , said Bryan Ma , analyst for IDC in Singapore .

  3. 据高德纳和国际数据公司称,其中有170万台Mac电脑被运往美国。

    According to Gartner and IDC , 1.7 million of those Macs were shipped to the U.S.

  4. 国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation,简称IDC)表示,去年安卓和iOS智能手机的发货量占有率几乎达到96%。

    The Android and iOS platforms accounted for nearly 96 % of all smartphones shipped last year , according to IDC .

  5. 赌局上的筹码也是很高,因为据国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation)的数据显示,到2015年,全球游戏机硬件和软件市场将增长到397亿美元。

    And the stakes are high : the global console hardware and software market is expected to grow to $ 39.7 billion by 2015 , according to International Data Corporation .

  6. 根据国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation)的数据,目前黑莓在全球智能手机市场的份额还不到1%,远低于苹果的约12%。

    BlackBerry 's worldwide smartphone market share is under 1 % , according to data from research firm International Data Corporation , far less than Apple 's hold on about 12 % of the market .

  7. 他们试图依靠Unix来弥补软件方面的不足。一位驻东京的国际数据公司的分析家说。

    " They 're trying to overcome their software inferiority with Unix ," said an analyst in Tokyo with International Data Corp.

  8. 据研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,全球范围内,安卓手机占据了四分之三的智能手机市场份额。

    Android controls three-quarters of the world-wide market for smartphones , according to research firm IDC .

  9. 据国际数据公司(IDC)调查,快速以太网的销售超过了其它高速局域网技术。

    Fast Ethernet sales are outpacing all other high-speed LAN technologies , according to International Data Corp.

  10. 据国际数据公司发布的最近报告显示,小米推出的红米Note4成为今年第一季度运往印度最多的一款智能手机。

    As per the latest report by International Data Corporation ( IDC ) , Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 has become the highest shipped smartphone in India in Q1 of this year .

  11. 国际数据公司估计所有数字蜂窝手机的信号传输都将有WAP功能。

    International Data Corp. ( IDC ) estimates that all digital cellular handsets shipped in the future will be WAP-capable .

  12. 国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation)和麦肯锡全球研究院的数据显示,我们每周的工作时间有28%被用于阅读、删除、归类和发送电子邮件,19%被用于搜索和收集信息。

    Data by International Data Corporation and the McKinsey Global Institute has shown that 28 % of our working week is spent reading , deleting , filing and sending emails , and 19 % is spent searching and gathering information

  13. 市场研究机构国际数据公司(IDC)指出,2012年,全球IT开支预计将达1.8万亿美元。

    Worldwide it spending is expected to hit $ 1.8 trillion in 2012 , according to research firm IDC .

  14. 据国际数据公司称,全球智能手机用户中,近80%的人拥有Android设备,这个比例比三年前翻了一倍。

    Nearly four out of five smartphone owners worldwide have an Android device – twice the market share Android had three years ago – according to IDC .

  15. 根据国际数据公司(IDC)第一季度的统计数字,康柏仍然是全球最大的台式电脑生产厂商。

    According to first quarter numbers from International Data Corporation , Compaq remains the \# 1 desktop PC company in the world .

  16. 咨询公司国际数据公司(IDC)称,(印度)电脑发货量在截止到3月份的12个月里,增长20%至560万台。

    Shipments of PCs grew 20 per cent to 5.6m in the 12 months to March , according to the consultancy IDC .

  17. 国际数据公司(IDC)上周四发布的一份报告表明,诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓生产商ResearchinMotion正迅速失去其多年来在智能手机市场的领先位置。

    The lead that Nokia ( NOK ) and research in motion ( RIMM ) have enjoyed for years in the smartphone market is evaporating rapidly , according to a report issued Thursday by IDC .

  18. 据市场研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,今年秋季美国笔记本电脑销量有史以来首次超过台式电脑销量。

    Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U.S. for the first time ever this fall , according to market-research firm IDC .

  19. 调研企业国际数据公司(IDC)的执行董事霍锦洁(KittyFok)称,中国有大约5000万iPhone用户。

    In China there are about 50 million iPhone users , according to Kitty Fok , a managing director of the research firm IDC .

  20. 这是朝着正确方向又迈出了令人鼓舞的一步,国际数据公司个人电脑分析师马伯远(BryanMa)表示。

    It is encouraging and another step in the right direction , said Bryan Ma , PC analyst with IDC .

  21. 国际数据公司(IDC)和GartnerInc.周三公布的数据显示,Windows8还没有能够刺激人们对搭载该软件的个人电脑或平板电脑的太多需求。

    Figures from IDC and Gartner Inc. released Wednesday showed Windows 8 hasn 't spurred much demand for PCs or tablets running the software .

  22. 据国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,今年二季度,安卓(Android)智能手机在全球智能手机发货量中所占比重为68%,iPhone只有17%。

    In the second quarter , Android smartphones accounted for 68 % of global smartphone shipments , compared with just 17 % for the iPhone , according to IDC .

  23. 根据调研公司国际数据公司的一份报告,由于今年三季度苹果公司Series2智能手表限量供应以及智能手表销量普遍下降,该季度全球智能手表销量同比下降51.6%。

    Worldwide smartwatch sales dropped 51.6 % year-on-year in the third quarter of 2016 , hit by limited availability of Apple Inc 's Series 2 during the period and a general falloff in sales , according to a report by research firm International Data Corporation .

  24. 据国际数据公司(IDC)统计,诺基亚在本土芬兰手机市场上所占份额首次不足一半。

    Nokia for the first time accounted for less than half of the total cellphone market in its home country of Finland , according to IDC .

  25. 据市场研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,2012年中国将占全球智能手机发货量的26.5%,美国则占17.8%。

    According to market-research firm IDC , China will account for 26.5 % of global smartphone shipments in 2012 , compared with 17.8 % for the U.S.

  26. 据研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)估计,去年在中国销售的智能手机中,至少20%拥有五英寸及以上大小的屏幕。

    IDC , the research firm , estimates that at least 20 percent of all smartphones shipped last year in China were five inches or larger .

  27. 据从事技术研究的国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,预计到2020年,中国在机器人研发上的支出将占全球的30%以上。

    By 2020 , China is expected to account for more than 30 percent of worldwide spending on robotics , according to technology research firm IDC .

  28. 高德纳(Gartner)与国际数据公司(IDC)常常看法不同,但在这一点上,他们的意见是一致的,那就是:2014年二季度,联想(Lenovo)在美国的个人电脑销量超过了苹果(Apple)。

    Gartner and IDC don 't always agree , but on this they are united : Apple was overtaken in U.S. PC sales in the second quarter of 2014 by Lenovo .

  29. 大数据时代的巨大机遇已经开启:据国际数据公司(IDC)预计,大数据的价值将会从2010年的32亿美元增至2015年的169亿美元。

    Welcome to the big data opportunity : research firm IDC expects big data to grow from $ 3.2 billion in 2010 to $ 16.9 billion in 2015 .

  30. 据研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)说,第四季度苹果在中国内地的市场份额从第三季度的6%上升至7%。

    According to research firm IDC , Apple 's market share in mainland China rose to 7 % in the quarter from 6 % in the third quarter .