
  • 网络International Business Center;International Business Centre;International Commerce Centre
  1. 西安高新国际商务中心6×1.4×36m特大弧形结构转换梁施工技术

    Construction Technique for Ultra - Huge Curve - Shaped Structural Transition Beam with the Dimension of 6 × 1.4 × 36m Used in Xian New High - Tech International Business Center

  2. 上海建成国际商务中心城市影响因素分析

    The Analysis in the Factor Concentrating on the Construction of the International Business Center in Shanghai

  3. 金港国际商务中心工程基坑深8.5m,周长448m,支护面积3000m2,基坑与周围建筑物较近。

    The foundation pit of Jinggang international commerce center engineering is 8.5 m in depth , 448 m in circumference and 3 000 m 2 in supporting area . The foundation pit is near to ambient building .

  4. 金港国际商务中心深基坑土钉支护施工技术

    The construction technology of soil nailing in deep foundation pit of Jinggang international commerce center

  5. 他们想要将这里打造为一个国际商务中心,计划建上16座摩天大楼。

    They wanted it to become an international business center.They planned to build 16 skyscrapers there .

  6. 然后具体分析上海建成国际商务中心的影响因素。

    Then I will analyze the influencing factor to be an international business center for shanghai in detail .

  7. 公司营销总部坐落于历史文化名城扬州市金天城国际商务中心。

    Marketing headquarters is located in the historical and cultural city of Yangzhou City , Heavenly City International Business Center .

  8. 然后再从宏观因素考虑政府的作用,指出上海产业布局的变动是政府低效率行为,另外需要设置信息中心,无偿或低价提供信息将降低商务成本,有助于上海国际商务中心的早日实现。

    Lastly , considering government 's function from the macroscopic factor , the change in shanghai industry layout is the government 's low efficiency behavior .

  9. 本文对于指导钱江国际商务中心项目的开发具有重要的实践意义,对其他房地产开发商开发项目时也具有一定的参考意义。

    This paper not only has important practice sense for the guidance of the development of Qianjiang international business center project , but also has certain reference significance for other real estate projects .

  10. 第三,通过完善法律与制度来减少通关及进出口的手续,增设和改善直航线以提高国际商务中心的地位;

    Thirdly , to reduce the customs formalities through consolidating laws and regulations and to increase the number and update direct airlines for heightening the status of Incheon as an international business center ;

  11. 基于Karman谱和Davenport谱模拟了厦门国际商务营运中心的风荷载时程,并且计算了结构各层的等效静风荷载。

    In terms of Karman spectrum and Davenport spectrum the wind loading history of the International Trade Operation Center , Xiamen , is simulated . Then , the equivalent static wind loads of the building are calculated using the simulated wind loading .

  12. 中国国际电子商务中心

    China International Electronic Commerce Center

  13. 青岛301国际科技商务中心

    301 International Commercial Center

  14. 中国国际电子商务中心是国家商务部直属事业单位,主营业务是为方便国内外贸易而建立电子商务平台。

    China international electrical center ( CIEC ) belong to commerce ministry which set up a electrical business wet to domestic and overseas trade .

  15. 第二步是在商务部中国国际电子商务中心推动、帮助和支持下,建立企业功能强大的的自助网站;

    The second step is to build self-service web site of enterprises with the help , support and promotion of China International Electronic Commerce Center ;

  16. 现代服务业集群主导着国际大都市商务中心区的发展,也决定着城市经济的繁荣及其国际竞争力的高低。

    The modern service business cluster leads the development of the international metropolis Central Business District , also decides the prosperity and its international competition ability of the city economy high and low .

  17. 然后,进一步总结归纳了吉林省国际商务网络中心推进信息化建设的基本现状、经验做法,为解决信息化管理问题提供了一些可资借鉴的方法和路径。

    Then , it sums up the current situation , experience and practice of the promotion of the informationization constructed by Jilin International Network Center , in which way it gives approachable ways to solve problems .

  18. 现代服务业集群作为一种世界潮流和趋势,伴随着经济全球化的加快、跨国公司的发展以及国际大都市商务中心区功能结构的提升,而逐渐发展、成熟起来。

    With the development of economy globalization quickly , the development of the multinational company and the promoting function of the international metropolis ' Central Business District , the modern service business cluster as one kind of world trend gets to develop gradually .

  19. 商务谈判与协商成为国际商务活动的中心环节。

    Business negotiation has become the center of international business .

  20. 迈阿密市区是国际商务和金融中心,高耸入云的写字楼和超现代的公寓楼坐落在布瑞肯大道两旁。

    Downtown Miami is a hub for international business and finance , with soaring office towers and ultra-modern condominiums lining Brickell Avenue .

  21. 马克巴兰先生,圣迭戈州立大学国际商务教育和研究中心常务董事说,那也是一种责任。

    That 's also a liability , said Mark Ballam , managing director of the Center for International Business Education and Research at San Diego State University .

  22. 美国的国际代表团免费注册,国际商务中心将为您服务。

    Registration is complimentary for US international delegations , and an international reception along with an International Business Center will be provided .