
ɡuó jì láo ɡōnɡ dà huì
  • international labor conferences;International Labor Conference
  1. 特别是1999年国际劳工大会上体面劳动概念的提出,更是指明了未来劳动安全卫生权发展的任务和方向。

    Especially the conception of " decent work " which proposed in International Labor Conference in 1999 indicates the task and direction of development of the right of labor security and health protection in the future .

  2. 国际劳工大会移徙工人委员会

    Committee on Migrant Workers , International Labour Conference

  3. 国际劳工大会海事会议

    Maritime Session of the International Labour Conference

  4. 国际劳工组织将在2003年6月第91届国际劳工大会上就国际劳工组织有关职业安全卫生公约的一体性方法进行讨论,以促进各国国家立法与国际劳工组织标准尽可能的一致。

    ILO will hold a general discussion on ILO standards-related activities in the areas of occupational safety and health at its91th session in june , 2003.its purpose is to promote consistency between the legislation of various countries and ILO standards .