
ɡuó jì zhuān lì
  • international monopoly
  1. 因特网呼叫管理(ICM)是一项获得国际专利的、适合国内市场需求的呼叫等待服务。

    ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market .

  2. 据世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganisation)表示,2015年华为连续第二年成为申请国际专利最多的企业。

    According to the World Intellectual Property Organisation , Huawei filed the most international patents for the second consecutive year in 2015 .

  3. 网络环境下的国际专利分类法IPC变革与发展

    The Innovation and Development of International Patent Classification on the Environment of Internet

  4. 部分产品专利已通过PCT国际专利合作条约。

    Some products even have passed the International Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT.

  5. 讨论了网络环境下国际专利分类法IPC面临的挑战和机遇,分析了网络时代IPC的未来发展方向。

    This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of International Patent Classification ( IPC ) in Internet environment , and analyses IPC 's future developing direction .

  6. 本文针对国际专利申请(PCT申请)中的优先权问题进行了研究。

    The present article relates to a study on the problems associated with the priority in international patent applications ( PCT applications ) .

  7. 面对海量的专利数据库,为了尽快找到所需要的专利信息,每一件专利都会按照其技术内容分配相应的国际专利分类号(IPC)。

    In the mass of the patent database , in order to find the required patent information , each of patents will be allocated in international patent number ( IPC ) .

  8. 本文探讨了中国与发达国家在知识创新能力方面(如SCI)与技术创新能力方面(如国际专利数)的巨大差距,并分析了形成这一差距的原因。

    The paper discusses the large gap of the intellectual innovation capability ( such as SCI ) and the technological innovation capability ( such as patent number ) between China and the advanced countries , and analyzes the cause of the gap .

  9. 据世界知识产权组织(WIPO)统计,2016年中国专利申请数量激增45%,使其有望在两年内成为国际专利制度的最大用户,超越日本和美国。

    Chinese patenting applications surged 45 per cent in 2016 , according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation , putting the country on track to overtake Japan and the US to become the largest user of the international patent system within two years .

  10. 讨论了本体与国际专利分类表的内在联系。

    Discusses the inherent relation between ontology and international patent classification .

  11. 国际专利分类累积和语言先进检索系统;

    International Patent Classification cumulative and linguistic advanced search system ;

  12. 中国跨国企业申请国际专利的策略

    The Tactics for China 's Cross-National Enterprises to Apply for International Patent

  13. 我们拥有5项国际专利,随时可以提供销售。

    We hve 5 international patents which we are ready to sell .

  14. 基于国际专利分类法的中国专利布局实证研究

    Empirical Study on Distribution of China 's Patents Based on International Patent Classification

  15. 重亿版图相簿:国际专利证书及展览相片。

    The international letter of patent and exhibition photograph .

  16. 其双杠杆系统拥有国际专利。

    The double lever system is internationally patented .

  17. 国际专利分类法使用者指南

    Users ' Guides to the International Patent Classification

  18. 斯特拉斯堡国际专利分类协定

    Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification

  19. 国际专利保护正在申请中。

    World-wide patent protection is pending .

  20. 该技术已申请国际专利,具有自主知识产权。

    Meanwhile , this technology has beenapplied for international patent with our own intellectual property rights .

  21. 对《国际专利分类表》第七版一些变化的研究

    Research on Some Changes of the 7 ~ ( th ) Edition of International Patent Classification

  22. 功能失调性子宫出血中医证候现代文献数据库建立国际专利文献中心数据库

    Establishment of Modern Literature Database of the Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine Associated With Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

  23. 一个类似的情况是,国际专利体系为获取相关的纳米创新带来了极大的障碍。

    In a similar vein , the international patent system presents immense barriers for accessing relevant nano-innovations .

  24. 1997年,中国成为《国际专利分类斯特拉斯堡协定》成员国。

    And in 1997 , China became a member of the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification .

  25. 国际专利分类细分类别

    International Patent Classification sub-class

  26. 佳温型氨合成塔已被授权为中国专利,并申请了国际专利。

    JW type converter with better temperature profile has been awarded a patent in domestic and applied internationally .

  27. 这份报告敦促发展中国家在国际专利协定的基础上全面探索可能的方案。

    The report urges developing countries to ensure that they fully explore their options under international patent agreements .

  28. 一个很有说服力的例子是:2008年,作为中国通讯业巨头,“华为”申请的国际专利数高居全球首位;

    Huawei , a Chinese telecoms giant , applied for more international patents than any other firm did in2008 .

  29. 日本已经申请了大量与软件相关的国际专利,数量仅次于美国。

    And Japan has begun filing international software-related patents galore ( see chart ) . Only America files more .

  30. 以国际专利分类号成长曲线的生命周期,技术皆都处于成熟初期。

    Applications of medical , security and disaster in growth curve of IPCs all are on technology maturity stage .