
ɡuó fánɡ bù zhǎnɡ
  • defense minister
  1. 韩国国防部长官金宽镇上星期说,在一系列措辞强硬的口头威胁后,朝鲜越来越有可能发动出其不意的挑衅行动。

    The South 's defense minister , Kim Kwan-jin , said last week the North is increasingly likely to launch a surprise provocation , following a series of strongly worded threats .

  2. 国防部长EhudBarak则采取了更加温和的方式。

    Defense Minister Ehud Barak took a softer approach .

  3. 国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。

    The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far

  4. 首相已委任一位平民为国防部长。

    The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister

  5. 北约各国国防部长今天圆满结束了在布鲁塞尔的会议。

    NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today

  6. 该项协议受到了国防部长的称赞。

    The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary .

  7. 国防部长已经表示自己不会坐视民主遭到破坏。

    The Secretary of Defence has said that he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined

  8. 他是美国前国防部长,也是民主党的显要人物。

    He is a former defence secretary of the United States and a grandee of the Democratic Party .

  9. 本月末法国国防部长将访问日本,与日本防卫大臣举行会谈。

    The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number

  10. 莱斯利认为,前国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德在2002年说,我们要警惕那些“未知的未知”,那些因此而嘲笑他的人是错误的。

    According to Leslie , those who ridiculed former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his 2002 remark that we have to be wary of the " unknown unknowns " were mistaken .

  11. 不倒翁国防部长梅尔文·r·莱尔德已表示希望早在1972年的选举之前就离职。

    Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird , the great survivor , had indicated his desire to leave well before the 1972 election .

  12. 《责任:国防部长回忆录》(Duty:MemoiresofaSecretaryatWar)。

    DUTY : Memoirs of a Secretary at War .

  13. 盖茨在伊拉克北部基尔库克附近的ForwardOperatingBaseWarrior向美国军队发表了讲话。在与几百名美国军人举行的长达45分钟的市政会议风格的会议中,国防部长被问到是否有对伊朗采取军事行动的计划。

    During a wide-ranging 45-minute town hall-style meeting with several hundred U.S. troops , Secretary Gates was asked whether there is any plan for military action against Iran .

  14. 不过,正如美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)所言,外国政府仍必须与美国合作。

    However , as defence secretary Robert Gates has pointed out , foreign governments still have to work with the US .

  15. 2007年,中国军方黑客曾渗透进五角大楼(pentagon)内供美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)使用的电脑网络。

    In 2007 , Chinese military hackers penetrated the Pentagon computer network serving Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  16. 前国防部长罗伯特∙盖茨(RobertGates)过去常说,国防部军乐队的人数与国务院外交人员(ForeignService)相当。

    Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates used to say that the Department of Defense has as many people in military bands as the State Department has in the Foreign Service .

  17. 上周,澳国防部长戴维约翰斯顿(DavidJohnston)表示,就连造一条独木舟,他都信不过澳大利亚潜艇公司。

    Last week David Johnston , defence minister , said he would not trust the ASC to build a canoe .

  18. 美国防部长罗伯特盖茨(RobertGates)暗示,欧盟(EU)不愿意接受土耳其加入,可能会推动该国与西方疏远。

    Robert Gates , US defence secretary , suggested the European Union 's reluctance to admit Turkey as a member could be pushing the country away from the west .

  19. 67岁的盖茨离职后,将由华盛顿经验丰富的CIA局长帕内特接任国防部长。

    The 67-year-old Gates will be ed by another veteran of Washington public service , Leon Panetta , who has been leading the CIA .

  20. 五角大楼承认,当时关闭了部分为美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)办公室服务的计算机系统,但拒绝表示他们认为谁是此次攻击的幕后人物。

    The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates , defence secretary , but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack .

  21. 但前美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)在今年离职前不久表示,他认为可能不得不削减该战机的“采购规模”。

    But Robert Gates , the former defence secretary , said just before leaving office this year that he thought " the size of the buy " might have to be cut .

  22. 国防部长ChuckHagel在内布拉斯加州立大学发表讲话,认为这场冲突形势复杂、无法预知且具有很强的煽动力。

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel , speaking at the University of Nebraska , called the conflict complex , unpredictable and very combustible .

  23. 约翰逊的国防部长罗伯特麦克纳马拉(RobertMcNamara)辩称,如果各部门负责人向总统表达不同的意见,政府将会变得低效。

    Johnson 's defence secretary , Robert McNamara , argued that government would be ineffective if department chiefs were to express disagreement with the president .

  24. 韩国国防部长金宽镇(KimKwan-jin)随后称,朝方并未出现动荡或反常军事行动的迹象。

    South Korea 's Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin subsequently said their were no signs of unrest or unusual military movements .

  25. 不像当时的副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)和时任国防部长的罗伯特•盖茨(RobertGates)盖茨今年早些时候也出版了引人入胜的回忆录《职责》(Duty)帕内塔完全支持那次抓捕行动。

    Unlike Robert Gates , the then defence secretary ( who published Duty , his own coruscating memoirs , earlier this year ), and Joe Biden , the vice-president , Panetta was all in favour .

  26. 在他晚间外出,有时是清晨早早归来时,我常常注意到他会拐到K街,停在国防部长宏伟气派的官邸门前,在那里开会。

    Often I notice as he goes out evenings-and sometimes in the morning , when he returns early he turns off and halts at the large and handsome residence of the Secretary of War , on K street , and holds conference there .

  27. 澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。

    Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America 's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet .

  28. 尽管最近中美军事关系不断升温,在美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)本月早些时候访问北京期间,这一关系似乎稳定地走上了正轨,但仍发生了此次出人意料的事件。

    The unexpected move comes in spite of the recent warming of Sino-US military ties , which appeared firmly on track during a visit to Beijing by Robert Gates , US defence secretary , earlier this month .

  29. 查克•哈格尔(ChuckHagel)已辞去美国国防部长职务。疲于应付世界各地危机的美国国家安全领导班子经受了重大改组。

    Chuck Hagel has resigned as defence secretary in a major shake-up to a US national security team that has been beset by crises around the world .

  30. 寻求关闭关塔那摩监狱的美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)上周向国会表示,“极其坦白的回答”是,有3个因素导致五角大楼“进退两难”。

    Robert Gates , the US defence secretary who has sought to close the prison , last week told Congress that the " brutally frank answer " was the Pentagon was " stuck " because of three factors .