- 名national defense policy

China steadfastly follows a road of peaceful development , pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and implements a national defense policy that is defensive in nature .
Implementing and sticking to a national defense policy that is defensive in nature ;
British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed .
Every time the political complexion of the government changed , so did the defence policy
Their defence policy did not stand up under scrutiny .
Spending cuts remain the main plank of the party 's defence policy .
Our defense policy is defensive in nature .
China has consistently pursued a national defense policy that is defensive in nature .
There is a marked cleavage between the parties about the government 's defence policy .
We must also examine potential areas of conflict caused by climate changes in planning defence policies .
The fundamental basis for the formulation of China 's national defense policy is China 's national interests .
The defense policy of New China has carried forward and developed such excellent Chinese historical and cultural traditions .
She seems to have compromised her earlier views somewhat by going along with her party 's volte-face on defence .
In addition , every year China submits to the forum a statement on national defense policy and other related documents .
The EU hopes to develop a unified foreign and defense policy on the base of European Community 's experiences of economic cooperation .
She has spent years boning up on foreign and defence policy , most recently as a member of the Senate Armed Services committee .
" Understand that he is not the decision maker when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy in Iran ," he said .
It 's not like Obama will be replacing the current set of officials with people who have a fundamentally different perspective on foreign and defense policy .
The precondition for Chinese home security , national defense , and military strategies is inseparable from the present and historical concerns in relation to Chinese security .
Meanwhile , china 's socialist system and independent foreign policy of peace have determined the international defence policy and military strategy to be one of active defence .
China adheres to the road of peaceful development , adopts a defence policy that is defensive in nature , and does not pose a threat to any country .
Proceeding from the fundamental interests of the country , China 's national defense policy is both subordinated to and in service of the country 's development and security strategies .
Mr Prodi swiftly declared that he did not intend changing a50 year-old defence policy , based on the three pillars of the European Union , the UN and NATO .
China 's military , facing US calls for increased transparency on its expanding budget , stepped up efforts this weekend to explain its defence policy to the rest of the world .
Like any form of insurance , defence policy must cover a range of risks : the safety of sea lanes is vital to move supplies in wartime and to trade in peacetime ;
The pursuit of a national defense policy which is defensive in nature is determined by China 's development path , its fundamental aims , its foreign policy , and its historical and cultural traditions .
China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature . Our endeavors to strengthen national defense aim to safeguard China 's sovereignty , security and territorial integrity and ensure its peaceful development .
Adhering to the defensive policy for national security , China has always controlled the numbers and size of its armed forces within the limit allowed by the national strength and necessary to maintain state security .
He was asked if the tough talk over the weekend by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be enough to put diplomacy on hold . " Understand that he is not the decision maker when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy in Iran , " he said . " His comments are meant for domestic political content . "
Influence of macro economic policy adjustment upon national defense expenditure policy