
ɡuó jiā shuì wù zǒnɡ jú
  • State Administration of Taxation
  1. 这是因为,按照国家税务总局(stateadministrationoftaxation)2005年发布的一则通知,上海是经营该管道的子公司的注册地。

    That is where the subsidiary running the pipeline is registered , according to a 2005 notice from the State Administration of taxation .

  2. 并报国家税务总局备案。

    And reported to the State Administration of Taxation for the record .

  3. 国家税务总局供暖能源耗量分析与评价

    The Analysis and Assessment on Heating Energy Consumption of SAT

  4. 国家税务总局电子政务建设实例研究

    The Case Study on the Construction of E-government of State Administration of Taxation

  5. 第一百一十七条本办法由国家税务总局负责解释和修订。

    The SAT is responsible for the interpretation and amendment of this regulation .

  6. 此后,国家税务总局制定了一系列的有关规定。

    And later the National Excise Office also made a series of relative provisions .

  7. 国家税务总局颁布出口退税新规

    New Regulation on Tax Reimbursement Issued

  8. 对纳税人欠缴税款的情况实行定期公告的办法,由国家税务总局制定。

    Specific measures for such regular proclamation shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation .

  9. 同步,国家税务总局也对税务发票的管理提出了详细的管理要求。

    Simultaneously , the State Administration of Taxation also requires detailed management of the tax invoice management .

  10. 作为调控手段之一,国家税务总局等部门发布了《关于加强房地产土地增值税的通知》。

    Especially the land increment tax constituted recently gives a great impact to the real estate market .

  11. 国家税务总局提出了以税源管理为主的房地产税收一体化管理的思想。

    State Administration of Taxation to put forward the integrated management thought for real estate tax management .

  12. 家税务局和地方税务局的,由国家税务总局统一组织协调。企业。

    Or involving both state tax bureaus and local tax bureaus , will be organized and coordinated .

  13. 税务登记证件的式样,由国家税务总局制定。

    The format of the tax registration certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation .

  14. 税务局:如果是故意的,就要被定为偷税。完税凭证的式样,由国家税务总局制定。

    The format of a tax paid certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation .

  15. 公式中的成本利润率由国家税务总局确定。

    The rate of cost-plus margin in the formula shall be determined by the State Administration of taxation .

  16. 国家税务总局是最广泛使用和在该国最严重的大学入学测试研究。

    The SAT is the most widely used and most heavily researched college admissions test in the country .

  17. 海事管理局海运管理海运管理国家税务总局直属分局要求提供的其他资料。

    Maritime administration Other information requested by the taxation bureaux which are directly under the State Administration of Taxation .

  18. 出口应税消费品的免税办法,由国家税务总局规定。

    The measures for exemption of exported taxable consumer goods shall be regulated by the State Administration for Taxation .

  19. 第六条国家税务总局应当制定税务人员行为准则和服务规范。

    Article6The State Administration of Taxation shall formulate the norm of conduct and standard of service for tax officials .

  20. 12366纳税服务热线是国家税务总局制定的全国统一的纳税服务号码。

    12366 taxation service hotline established by the State Administration of Taxation is a nationally unified taxation service number .

  21. 各省级主管税务机关将批准情况报财政部、国家税务总局备案。

    The provincial taxation authorities shall file the approval with the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation .

  22. 这就是国家税务总局为什么要实施分类管理,从而提高征管质量的原因。

    This is why the State Administration of Taxation executed the categorized management on tax collection for quality improvement purpose .

  23. 1999年国家税务总局开始在青岛市国税局实行增值税纳税评估试点工作。

    The State Administration of Taxation initiated the pilot assessment for VAT payment in Qingdao State Taxation Administration in 1999 .

  24. 法律法规的解释和执行由财政部和国家税务总局负责。

    The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation .

  25. 国家税务总局发文要求加强房地产开发企业土地增值税清算工作。

    State Administration of Taxation issued the document to reinforce the land VAT liquidation works on real estate development enterprises .

  26. 该报告是中国国家税务总局和美国加州大学伯克利分校专家联合发布的。

    The report was jointly produced by experts from China 's State Administration of Taxation and the University of California , Berkeley .

  27. 促进我国电影电视产业健康长远的发展,国家税务总局如是说。

    to promote the sound and long-term development of the country 's film and TV industry , the State Taxation Administration said .

  28. 官方新华通讯社说,国家税务总局局长谢旭人将接替金人庆。

    The official Xinhua news agency says Xie xuren , the director of the State Administration of taxation , will replace jin .

  29. 此后,财政部和国家税务总局多次提出研究开征物业税或者改革房地产税制问题。

    Since then , the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation repeatedly proposed reform of property tax or estate tax issues .

  30. 对此,由财政部、国家税务总局和环保部三部委拟定的环境税方案初步成型。

    Scheme of environmental tax already initially took shape designed by Ministry of Finance , State Taxation Administration and Ministry of Environmental Protection .