
  • 网络domestic security
  1. 要改变过去国内安全保卫工作只局限于搞对敌斗争、解决敌我矛盾的传统观念,主动承担起维护本地区社会政治稳定的职责;

    Change the traditional concept that the work of domestic security and safeguard was confined to the problems of fighting against enemies and resolving contradictions between ourselves and the enemy , bear on their own initiative the duty of social and political stability in the local places ;

  2. 国内安全保卫职能新论

    A New Opinion about the Functions of National Safeguard

  3. 派出所国内安全保卫工作的问题与对策

    Reflections on the Problems and Counter Measures of National Security tasks to Local Police Stations

  4. 浅析加强派出所(警署)国内安全保卫基础工作

    An Analysis of Strengthening the Basic Work of Domestic Safety Guard of Local Police Station

  5. 多年来由于认识上的偏差,我们忽视了基层派出所(署)国内安全保卫工作中的作用。

    Owing to the deviation of recognise for years , we ignore the part that local police station plays in the basic level in domestic safety guard work .

  6. 要提高国内安全保卫工作水平,必须适应新形势,明确新任务,以新的思路拓展派出所(警署)国内安全保卫基础工作。

    In order to improve domestic safety guard work , we must adapt to new situation , clarify new task and develop the basic work of domestic safety guard of local police station with new way of thinking .