
gù dìng shōu rù
  • fixed income;regular income
固定收入[gù dìng shōu rù]
  1. 2000年,他在著名的《固定收入期刊》(journaloffixedincome)上发表了一篇论文,引发了人们的强烈关注。

    In 2000 , he published a paper in the prestigious journal of fixed income that gained some serious attention .

  2. 摩根大通集团(JPMorgan)发布的数据显示,到目前为止,仅今年流入新兴市场的固定收入类资金一项就突破360亿美元。

    So far this year , inflows into emerging market fixed income funds alone were $ 36 billion , according to JP Morgan ( JPM ) .

  3. 生活费用的上涨对于靠固定收入为生的老年人极为不利。

    The rise in the cost of living bears hard on old people living on fixed incomes .

  4. SEC称,王勤竞夫妇在购买道琼斯股票前手中拥有的主要是固定收入证券,并拥有价值606600美元的股票。

    The SEC said that prior to their Dow Jones stock purchases , the Wongs owned mostly fixed-income securities , as well as equities valued at $ 606,600 .

  5. SandeTaylor:“按照定义,保守投资者就是其80%的投资组合由固定收入市场和现金组成。”

    SANDE TAYLOR : " A conservative investor by definition typically has eighty percent of their within fixed income markets and cash . "

  6. 受固定收入部门和其它交易业务收入强劲增长的推动,摩根大通的投行业务为整个集团贡献了一半以上的利润。上个月,其投行业务联席负责人比尔温特斯(BillWinters)刚刚被赶出公司。

    JPMorgan 's investment bank , which saw the ousting of its co-head Bill Winters last month , accounted for more than half of group profits , driven by strong revenues in its fixed-income unit and other trading businesses .

  7. 该公司超过一半的收入都来自FICC业务,即固定收入、币和商品交易。

    More than half the firm 's revenues were accounted for by a single line , labeled FICC , for trading in fixed income , currencies and commodities .

  8. 又或者,投资者可以考虑投资固定收入单位信托。

    Alternatively , investors can consider investing in fixed income unit trusts .

  9. 我们会考虑合适的固定收入交易吗?

    Would we entertain or consider the right fixed-income deal ?

  10. 固定收入的波动也遵循了为期两年的滞后信贷周期。

    Fixed-income volatility also follows the credit cycle with a two-year lag .

  11. 靠固定收入生活的人其购买力因通货膨胀而下降。

    Inflation reduce the purchasing power of people living on fix income .

  12. 她是自由职业者,所以她没有固定收入。

    She work freelance so she do not have a regular Income .

  13. 还记得你所需要的固定收入吗?

    Remember that specific amount of income you need ?

  14. 物价的上涨对固定收入的人影响最历害。

    These price increases bore most severely on people with fixed in incomes .

  15. 最近,价格上涨给固定收入的人们造成了非常严重的负担。

    The latest price increases bear most severely on people with fixed incomes .

  16. 美国固定收入证券市场监管及其启示

    Regulation and Enlightenment of American Fixed Income Security Market

  17. 靠固定收入生活的老年人受到物价上涨的沉重打击。

    Senior citizens on fixed incomes have been hard hit by price rises .

  18. 不久我就可以有固定收入了。

    Soon I 'll be making steady money .

  19. 乔治:对于有固定收入的人来说很有意义。

    George : It makes a lot of sense for people with a fixed income .

  20. 投资者如果持有固定收入的证券到最后期限所能得到的回报率。

    The rate of return an investor receives if a fixed-income security is held to maturity .

  21. 在过去几年中,有固定收入的退休者迅速增多。

    The number of retirees on a fixed income has increase rapidly in the past years .

  22. 与城市苦力群体和游民群体相比,工人阶层工作稳定,有固定收入,朝不保夕的顾虑小。

    Compared to urban laborers and vagrant , working class has secure jobs and regular incomes .

  23. 你有固定收入吗?

    Are you waged or unwaged ?

  24. 巴德拉克县警局负责人阿努普·萨霍表示,穆克希是一名清洁工,没有固定收入。

    Bhadrak superintendent of police Anup Sahoo said Mukhi is a sweeper has no regular income .

  25. 物价不断上涨使穷人和靠固定收入的老年人最为苦恼。

    Steadily rising prices press most heavily on the poor and on old people with fixed income .

  26. 而他们自己也没有固定收入。没有地方让他们工作,没有地方让他们赚钱糊口。

    And they do not have regular incomes , nowhere to work and nowhere to earn money .

  27. 固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。

    Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills , debentures , bonds , and mortgages .

  28. 监管依然存在,对中国国内的固定收入市场的流动性、效率性以及透明度造成伤害。

    Regulations still exist that hamper liquidity , efficiency , and transparency of China 's domestic fixed income market .

  29. 就算欠款数额相对较少,也会给那些靠固定收入生活的人带来说不清的苦恼。

    Even owing a relatively small amount of money can cause untold misery for those living on a fixed income .

  30. 它扭曲了我们的经济决策,惩罚了节俭,粉碎了奋斗的年轻人和固定收入的老人们等的梦想。

    It distorts our economic decisions , penalizes thrift , and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike .