
  • 网络girth;circumference
  1. 图G的围长是指G中最短圈的长度;

    The girth of graph G is the length of a shortest cycle in G ;

  2. (k;g)-笼是指具有围长g的k-正则图中那些顶点数最小的图。

    A ( k ; g ) - cage is a graph of minimum order among k-regular graphs with girth g.

  3. 奇围长为r的对称图的指数集

    The exponent set of symmetric digraph with odd girth R

  4. 对于二分图,弱s-弧传递性是由围长g和直径d决定的,而且还得到与s-弧传递性相一致的两个必要条件:即s存在上界(g+2)/2;

    For the non-bipartite graphs , weakly s-arc transitivity is equivalent to s-arc transitivity ;

  5. 围长不小于r的2圈分布图的最大边数

    The Maximum Number of Edges in a 2-Cycle-Distributed Graph of Girth No Less than r

  6. 具有围长g的连通图的周长

    Circumference of Connected Graph with Girth g

  7. 围长为2的n阶本原有向图的Lewin指数集

    The Upper Bound and the Index Set for Lewin Index of Primitive Digraph with Girth 2

  8. 本论文主要研究采用均衡不完全区组设计(BIBD)原理构造大围长LDPC码的方法。

    The paper focuses on the method of constructing high girth LDPC codes based on BIBD .

  9. 并刻划了指数为2n-r-1的奇围长为r的对称图的特征。

    Furthermore , we also describe a characterization of the symmetric digraph with odd girth r whose exponent is equal to 2n-r-1 .

  10. 本文对该结果进行了改进,证明了对k≥12,围长为9,或7≤k≤11,围长至少为10的2k-连通图是k-联图。

    This paper is to improve the result above , and shows that for any integer k ≥ 12 , with girth being 9 or for 7 ≤ k ≤ 11 , with girth at least 10 , every 2k-connected graph is k-linked .

  11. 本文利用G的支配数和围长给出了G的Betti亏数ξ(G)的一个上界,从而也给出了最大亏格γM(G)的一个下界,而且它是可达的;

    This paper establishes an upper bound on the Betti deficiency ξ( G ) in terms of the dominate number as well as the the girth of G , and thus gives a lower bound on the maximum genus .

  12. 一个具有围长对(g,h)的k&正则图称为(k;g,h)一图,这种图的最小可能顶点数记作f(k;g,h)。

    The k - regular graph with girth pair ( g , h ) is called ( k ; g , h ) - graph . Minimum number of vertices of this graphs is denoted by f ( k ; g , h ) .

  13. 图的分支与围长的好算法

    The good algorithms to calculate the component and the girth of graph

  14. 图的最大亏格、支配数和围长

    Maximum genus , dominate number and girth of a graph

  15. 奇围长为5的本原对称有向图的局部指数集

    The Local Exponent Sets of Symmetric Primitive Digraphs with Odd Girth 5

  16. 围长对是(4,5)的最小正则图(英文)

    Smallest regular graphs with Girth pair ( 4,5 )

  17. 围长大于n+1的图的边数

    Number of Edges of Graph with Girthn + 1

  18. 基于二分图低密度奇偶校验码围长计算方法

    An Algorithm for Checking Girth of Low Density Parity Check Codes in Bipartite Graphs

  19. 8-齐次二分图的围长

    The Girth of 8 - homogeneous Bipartite Graph

  20. 图的围长与k-联性

    K - linked graphs with girth condition

  21. 围长为2的本原无限布尔方阵类的本原指数集

    On primitive exponent set for the class of primitive infinite Boolean matrices with girth 2

  22. 奇围长为s的本原无向图

    The primitive graphs with odd girth s

  23. 提出了一种高围长结构化低密度校验码的构造方法。

    A construction method of structured low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) code with large girth based on quasi-cyclic technique is proposed .

  24. 证明了当d≠r+2,r+3时,度数大于2的8齐次二分图的围长不超过16。

    Proved the girth of 8-homogeneous bipartite graph with valency k > 2 and d ≠ r + 2 , r + 3 is less than 16 .

  25. 主要研究了对于一些有限围长的目标图,构造出相应的给定围长的图,使两者之间建立起同态或不同态的关系。

    For some target graphs with finite girth , we construct the corresponding graphs with given girth , so as to establish homomorphic or non-homomorphic relations between graph and girth .

  26. 古老、破烂的凉亭从前曾经所在的地方,如今宫殿耸立,显露峥嵘;围长粗大的花岗石柱子伸展开一片路景,通向外面的铁路世界。

    Where the old rotten summer-houses once had stood , palaces now reared their heads , and granite columns of gigantic girth opened a vista to the railway world beyond .

  27. 在第四章,我们考虑了图的定向染色问题,对一些有限围长的目标图,构造出相应的给定围长的图,从而得到两者之间的同态性质。

    In Chapter 4 , we consider the oriented coloring problems of graphs . Given some target graphs of finite girth , we constructed the corresponding graph with given girth and study the property about homomorphism between these two graphs .

  28. 汽轮机阻尼围带长叶片振动特性研究

    Numerical model for vibration characteristic of steam turbine blade with damped shroud

  29. 试验组牛体高、胸深、管围、尻长、腰角宽和坐骨端宽的增长量与对照组数据相比,无明显差异(P>0.05);

    The increase amounts of body height , chest deep , canno round , rump length , hip bone wide and sciatic wide in trial group were the same as those in control group ;

  30. 团棵期、旺长期和现蕾期随干旱时间的延长,其茎围、主根长、一级侧根数和根体积均表现为先增大后减少的趋势。

    The stem perimeter , root length , the number of first lateral roots and the volume of roots all increased at first then decreased by the prolong of the drought time in rosette stage , vigorous growing stage and budding stage . 2 .