
kùn jìng
  • dilemma;plight;trouble;difficulty;predicament;difficult position;trap;straits;adversity;corner;fix;embarrassment;morass;crunch
困境 [kùn jìng]
  • [difficult position] 困难的处境

  • 陷入困境

困境[kùn jìng]
  1. 这使他和他的同事陷于困境。

    This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position .

  2. 当说你“indeepwater”,也就是说你陷入困境中。

    When you are in deep water , you are in a difficult position .

  3. 这家公司已陷入极度困境之中,可能会破产。

    The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt .

  4. 她的辞职将使党处于极度的困境。

    Her resignation will be a severe embarrassment to the party .

  5. 她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。

    She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless .

  6. 他惯于凭借口才摆脱困境。

    He was used to talking his way out of tight corners .

  7. 她陷入困境,找不到出路。

    She was in a mess and could see no way out .

  8. 扩展业务的尝试使这家公司陷入困境。

    The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm .

  9. 他深陷于困境之中。

    He 's in it up to his eyebrows .

  10. 我们对处于困境的家庭提供帮助。

    We provide help to families in crisis situations .

  11. 这次访问促使全世界关注难民困境。

    The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees .

  12. 她的困境深深地打动了我们。

    We were deeply moved by her plight .

  13. 公司本身陷入了困境。

    The company has got itself into difficulties .

  14. 乔面对困境应付裕如。

    Joe coped admirably with a difficult situation .

  15. 她陷入了财务困境。

    She had got into financial difficulties .

  16. 经济陷入了困境。

    The economy is in a mess .

  17. 这家公司早些时候有一个大订单被撤销,因此陷入了困境。

    The company ran into trouble early on , when a major order was cancelled .

  18. 他陷入极度困境之中。

    He 's in deep trouble .

  19. 他使自己陷入了困境,难以摆脱。

    He had got himself into a hole and it was going to be difficult to get out of it .

  20. 那个项目逐渐叫停,哈里陷入了困境。

    The project evaporated and Harry was left high and dry .

  21. 在那之后我的事业似乎就陷入了困境。

    After that my career just seemed to hit a brick wall

  22. 处于困境的社会服务部门被迫砍掉社区项目。

    Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments .

  23. 朋友的困境促使他投身参与。

    His friend 's plight had spurred him into taking part .

  24. 他似乎已把自己逼入了困境。

    He appears to have backed himself into a tight corner .

  25. 该国的经济困境阻碍了其科研机构的工作进展。

    The country 's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions

  26. 关于工业为何陷入困境正在展开一场全面的讨论。

    A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry .

  27. 该国经济尚未摆脱困境。

    The nation 's economy is not out of the woods yet .

  28. 公司在市场发生变化时会发现自己身陷困境。

    Companies find themselves in a pickle when their markets change

  29. 许多房屋的卖主仍然陷在经济衰退的困境中。

    Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut .

  30. 我们无意卷入一场政治困境。

    We have no intention of being drawn into a political quagmire .