
  1. 他们的团队协作总是很好。

    Their teamwork was invariably good

  2. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  3. 她选择了一些对跨团队协作重要的活动并单击Done返回她的协作文档。

    She selects the activities that are important to cross-team collaboration and clicks Done to return to her collaboration document .

  4. Google协作平台就是其中一款侧重于团队协作的网站编辑产品。

    Google sites is one of a team collaboration sites focused on the editorial product .

  5. VB程序中类与模块在团队协作开发MIS中的应用

    Application of Library and Module in Team Working for Developing MIS in VB Procedure Design

  6. 真人CS主要是增强员工凝聚力与团队协作能力。

    Honorable person CS is mainly strengthens the staff cohesive force and team cooperation ability .

  7. LotusQuickr为团队协作提供一种简单却高效的平台。

    Lotus Quickr provides a simple but effective platform for team collaboration .

  8. 论文以数学模型为研究手段,应用T.互依性与团队协作

    Based on the T. Interdependence and Teamwork

  9. IBMWorkplace是一个产品族,其中包括使用集中管理的富客户机技术的信息管理和团队协作。

    IBM Workplace is a family of products that includes information management and team collaboration using centrally managed rich client technology .

  10. Jazz是一种可评测,可扩展的团队协作性平台,它将软件开发生命周期之间的任务集成了起来。

    Jazz is a scalable , extensible team-collaboration platform that integrates tasks across the software life cycle .

  11. 它提供综合的bug跟踪、源代码审查、用于团队协作的邮件列表等。

    It offers integrated bug tracking , source code reviews , mailing lists to coordinate teams , and more .

  12. LotusQuickr是IBM出品的一款团队协作软件,提供开箱即用的利用Web2.0特性的功能。

    Lotus Quickr is a team collaboration offering from IBM that provides ready-to-use capabilities that leverage Web2.0 features .

  13. LotusQuickr的核心功能是提供必要工具,从而改进团队协作和通信。

    The focus of Lotus Quickr is providing the necessary tools to improve team collaboration and communication .

  14. LotusQuickr作为团队协作的一部分,提供多种方式贡献或访问信息。

    Lotus Quickr provides multiple ways to contribute or access information as a part of team collaboration .

  15. Jazz是一个可伸缩、可扩展的团队协作平台,用于无缝地集成整个软件生命周期中的任务。

    Jazz is a scalable , extensible , team collaboration platform for seamlessly integrating tasks across the software lifecycle .

  16. LotusQuickr可以使用以下三个关键术语描述:内容共享,团队协作和连接器。

    Lotus Quickr can be described by three fundamental terms : content store , team collaboration , and connectors .

  17. LotusQuickr的基本目标是通过为协作提供中心在线位置来促进团队协作。

    The basic goal of Lotus Quickr is fostering team collaboration by providing a central online location for collaboration .

  18. RUP包括有关优先级权衡、迭代开发、可视建模、软件质量和团队协作的主要原则。

    RUP includes key principles around priority balancing , iterative development , visual modeling , software quality , and team collaboration .

  19. 最后,针对Agent团队协作的学习问题,对单Agent的Q学习算法进行了扩展。主要思想是引入主导Agent的概念,并考虑将环境奖赏按照一定策略分配给多个Agent,实现同时学习。

    For the learning problem of agent team cooperation , the basic Q learning algorithm is extended by introducing the concept of leading agent and setting the reward assignment policy among several learning agents .

  20. 在Eclipse环境下工作,能使系统工程师充分利用Eclipse带来的便利之处,例如使用RationalTeamConcert执行团队协作功能。

    Working within the Eclipse environment helps enable systems engineers to take advantage of capabilities of Eclipse , such as being able to perform team collaboration using Rational Team Concert .

  21. LotusQuickr是一款能够帮助您在线分享内容、协调工作和加快工作进度的团队协作软件。

    Lotus Quickr is team collaboration software that helps you share content , collaborate , and work faster online with your teams .

  22. LotusQuickr是团队协作软件,旨在转变共享文档和Web内容的方式,帮助用户高效地跨团队协作和工作。

    Lotus Quickr is team collaboration software designed to transform the way documents and Web content are shared , helping users to collaborate and work efficiently across teams .

  23. 最年轻一代中的有刚成立几年的团队协作软件公司Slack,其估值已经迅速达到20亿美元,以它为代表的这些新生力量正在挑战微软在生产力软件上的统治地位。

    Mere toddlers like collaboration software upstart Slack , flirting with a $ 2 billion valuation , are challenging its dominance in productivity software .

  24. 在CVS团队协作模型中,团队成员彼此独立地在他们各自的工作台上完成自己的所有工作。

    In the CVS team cooperation model , team members do all of their work on their own workbenches , isolated from others .

  25. 戴维的时间将分配给与现有投资者组合公司的CEO们进行协作,和与交易团队协作找出新的投资组合机会和营运方面的价值创造策略。

    Dave will be splitting his time between working with the CEOs of our existing portfolio companies and working with deal teams to identify new investment opportunities and operational value creation strategies .

  26. 目前,成熟的UML工具早已数不胜数,UML建模工具可与软件生命周期管理相结合,提高团队协作能力,进而提高团队生产力和产品质量。

    At present , there are a lot of UML tools . And they combine with software lifecycle management , improve team collaboration capabilities . So team productivity and product quality can be improved .

  27. Khan谈到典型招聘广告中包含这样的声明&“必须能够很好地进行团队协作”,他质疑这种声明实际上没有什么意义。

    Khan discusses the typical job advertisement that includes a statement such as " must be able to work well in a team " and asks what that actually means ?

  28. DC公司CRM软件研发,在组织效率上表现不佳,常受客户需求变更快、跨团队协作困难、团队凝聚力不高、加班与人员流失等问题困扰。

    CRM software R & D of DC company present poor performance on organizational efficiency , due to fast change of customers ' needs , difficulties in cross-team collaboration , low team cohesion , overtime work , staff turnover and other problems .

  29. 在智力挑战层面上这一工作与他们将在OOAD课上面对的东西联系并不密切,但是它为团队协作奠定了基础,这是一个主要的学习目标。

    The work is not nearly as intellectually challenging as what they will face in the OOAD class , but it lays the groundwork for team collaboration , which is a major learning goal .

  30. Cain指出尽管所有工作都需要团队协作,但是在一些有特定角色的工作场所往往会有更适合内向型个体的工作,在这些岗位上,内向的人往往会比集思广益、制定计划和做出决定的协作团队更能胜任。

    Cain points that while teamwork is required of any job , workplaces that have set roles for each employee are usually better for introverted workers than teams where brainstorming , project planning , and decision making is always done together .