
qiú láo
  • prison;jail;gaol prison
囚牢 [qiú láo]
  • [gaol prison;jail] 监狱。囚禁犯人的处所

囚牢[qiú láo]
  1. 宁在自由中吃豆瓣,不在囚牢中享蜜饯。

    A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison .

  2. 电梯并不能带给你自由只是另一个囚牢

    Amanda : The elevator doesn 't lead to freedom.Just another room .

  3. 我逐渐恐惧夜晚,仿佛夜晚是施刑者的囚牢。

    I came to fear nighttime like it was a tor-turer 's cellar .

  4. 他就可以从这囚牢解脱。

    He 'll be free of this cage forever .

  5. 电视崇拜是囚牢还是自由?

    How about absorbing in tv ?

  6. 你会被抓住,他们会畅通无阻地追踪王子,猎捕他,捉住他,把他拖回囚牢。

    You would have been caught , and they would have been free to follow the prince , to hunt him down and drag him back to his cell .

  7. 地深之源、天空之墙、火焰之地以及无尽之渊的居住者们对此知之不多,然而,在元素囚牢建立之前他们多数并不在这里。

    What this will mean for the elements of fire and air with the deaths of their elemental lords is unknown , but it most certainly is not good .