
  • 网络Charon;chiron
  1. 喀戎表面晶体冰的补给有三种主要的方式。

    There are three main ways that Charon 's surface supply of crystalline ice could have been replenished .

  2. 第三,最令人兴奋、有可能的是液态水从喀戎的内部被挤压出表面,冻结形成晶体。

    Third , most exciting , and , it turns out , most plausible , is the possibility that liquid water from Charon 's interior has erupted onto the surface , freezing and crystallizing .

  3. 刀锋怪是神秘的类人生物,他们主要定居于欧堪萨斯(Ocanthus),阿喀戎修罗场第四层即最后一层。

    Bladelings are mysterious humanoids found mainly in Ocanthus , the fourth and final layer of Acheron .

  4. 据信,刀锋怪并不是阿喀戎修罗场真正的土著居民,而是迁徙到这块充满敌意的土地上来并兴旺起来的移民。

    Bladelings are believed not to be actual natives of Acheron , but immigrants who have thrived in this hostile plane .