
  • 网络Shang Zhou;Shang King Zhou
  1. 今地下出土的晚商金文及殷墟甲骨文资料可证商纣俎醢酋长侯伯并祭祀先王完全是历史事实。

    It was completely confirmed to be a historical fact that the Shang King Zhou had chopped the dukes and earls by the unearthed oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions of the Shang dynasty .

  2. 姜太公归周的时间应在商纣赦文王以后。

    The time for Jiang to follow Zhou was after Zhou Emperor of the Shang Dynasty released Wen Emperor .

  3. 周的发展,使商纣感到威胁,于是将西伯昌囚禁于羑里7年。

    Fearing for the prosperity of the Zhou , King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty imprisoned Chang in Youli for seven years .

  4. 而战争的胜利,又滋长了商纣居功自傲和贪图享乐的思想,使他成为我国历史上继夏桀之后的又一个臭名昭著的暴君。

    Meanwhile , the triumph developed Shang Zhou'thought of being proud and seeking for enjoyment , which made him become another notorious tyranny after Xia Jie .

  5. 商纣:商朝最后一个国王帝辛,叫做纣,是历史上有名的暴君。

    King Zhou of Shang : King Di Xin , the last king of the Shang Dynasty is called Zhou , one of the notorious despots in Chinese history .

  6. 他的叔叔比干来劝他,商纣却把他的心挖出来看看是什么样子。

    His uncle Bi Gan similarly remonstrated with him , but Shang Zhou had his heart ripped out so he could see what the heart of a sage looked like .