
  • 网络Unlimited business opportunities
  1. 信息无界,商机无限。

    Information without boundaries , unlimited business opportunities .

  2. 政府出台了多项拉动内需的举措,这当中肯定是商机无限。

    The government introduced a number of stimulating domestic demand move , it must be unlimited business opportunities .

  3. 专业化国际化标准化&一次商机无限的贸易洽谈会

    Specialization , Internationalization and Standardization A Conference Creates Huge Business Opportunities

  4. 税收优惠+东盟市场柬埔寨投资商机无限&专访柬埔寨·重庆工商总会会长孙鹤先生

    Preferential Duty + ASEAN Market Boundless Opportunities to Invest in Cambodia

  5. 广州是一片商机无限的投资乐土。

    Guangzhou is a paradise for investment with boundless business opportunities .

  6. 南水北调工程商机无限

    Limitless Business Opportunities behind the Divert Water from South to North Project

  7. 市场空白点多,商机无限

    Numerous blank areas in the market represent unlimited market opportunities

  8. 农业环保产业商机无限

    Vast Commercial Opportunity in Environmental Protection Industry of Agriculture

  9. 黄金市场蕴藏商机无限

    Boundless Business Chances Contained in Golden Markets

  10. 商机无限的中国标签市场

    Business Developing of Label Market in China

  11. 商机无限的国内外天然食品添加剂

    Natural food additives at home and abroad

  12. 奥运场馆商机无限

    Tremendous Business Opportunities in Olympic Venues

  13. 疾速的增长,日渐成熟的股票和信贷市场都意味着亚洲市场商机无限。

    Ravenous growth and maturing equity and credit markets should mean Asia offers a lot of opportunities .

  14. 虽然互联网上商机无限,但消费者遭受网络欺诈却频频发生。

    Although on Internet opportunity is infinite , the consumer suffers the network cheat which occurs repeatedly .

  15. 随着我国逐步进入老龄化社会,老年产业已经成为一个商机无限的新兴产业。

    As China gradually entered an aged society , the aged industry has become a business opportunities emerging industry .

  16. 我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。谢谢大家。

    We believe that there are boundless opportunities in the future , and spring is right around the corner .

  17. 石广生最后强调,中国入世对香港来说商机无限。

    In conclusion , the minister stressed that China 's WTO entry will bring Hong Kong numerous business opportunities .

  18. 潜力巨大、商机无限的广通,愿与您精诚合作,互惠共赢。

    Guangtong Company with well opportunities and potentials wishes to cooperate with you , to get mutual benefit together .

  19. 商机无限,现在到了把“请进来”和“走出去”连结起来,统筹思考、运作的时机了。

    In respect of the huge business opportunity , it is the time to consider'inviting'and'getting out'and plan and operate as a whole .

  20. 本展会扎根宁波、立足浙江、面向全国、幅射世界,商机无限。

    This roots show in Ningbo , based on Zhejiang , for the nation , radiate the world , unlimited business opportunities .

  21. 在其资金和技术与中国商机无限的大市场的紧密结合中,确保美国下世纪的经济利益;

    In combining its funds and technology with the boundless opportunity in China 's market it determines its interest in the next century .

  22. 但随着越来越多的竞争对手开始重视中国这块商机无限的市场而纷纷涌入,这个市场的竞争越来越残酷。

    However , with more and more global rivals entering into the Chinese market full of unlimited business opportunities , the competition becomes intensive .

  23. 能引起争议的话题往往商机无限,一个看了让人心烦的广告,如能上报纸头条不啻是最好的免费宣传。

    It is often profitable to stir controversy . An ad that upsets people and thereby generates headlines is an excellent source of free publicity .

  24. 愿本司的不断努力及创新的理念能与您携手步入商机无限的未来。

    And we want to work with you in the near future with our constant efforts and continuous innovation and gain the mutual benefit and create the " Win-win " situation .

  25. 相对于商机无限的男足,女足的地位一直“低人一等”,但最近国际足联腐败丑闻缠身让人们重新燃起了对不太受金钱影响的女足运动的兴趣。

    Women 's football has played second fiddle to the more lucrative men 's game but the bribery scandal surrounding FIFA has spurred interest in a section of the sport less drenched in money .

  26. 移动支付业务涉及面广泛,是一个融合各个相关行业的新产业,商机无限的同时需要行业间的密切合作才能形成一个良好的产业链。

    Covers a wide range of mobile payment services , is a fusion of new industries in various related industries , business opportunities , while the close cooperation between the needs of the industry to form a good chain .